loose ends

203 8 33

POV 3rd person

a week has passed, the Entity defeated and the red legion scattered. repairs to frostbourne has begun, but everyone was still waiting for Charlie to wake up, "How often can this happen to one person?" Patrick asked, he placed down the paperwork on the table in his office. 

Azura picked up the paperwork checking Patrick's work, "Charlie has a strong will, but a weak body, he puts himself in trouble, until he gets stronger this will likely keep happening," Azura said. "Did Ciara tell you about what happened to Charlie when he disappeared?"

Patrick looked up, "Umm, No, I haven't seen much of her, she's been keeping to her self," Patrick wasn't wrong, Ciara had talked to Rain and Stella once or twice but hasn't spoken to anyone else, to the point where she just ignores the others. but she was doing better than Crystal who hasn't left Charlie's flat, no one was certain if she was still in there.

"apparently when he was taken by the Endermen, it was because he died," Azura explained, Patrick's head shot up. his eyes going wide. "Don't worry the enderman must have healed him, but he died, that must play Nether with his mind,"

Patrick learned back and sighed, "Hopefully this is all in the past now, we can move on, rebuild and look to our future," Patrick took Azura's hand, "And as long as I am with you, there will always hope," He said.

"So have we heard anything from the Nether?" Azura asked. 

"Kyle returned his army and has been restabilising them, he's even got an eye patch," Patrick explained, the door to the office opened, and the two turned Charlie walking. 

"Ahh, there you are, will one of you catch me up?" Charlie asked, he was wearing a green hoodie, his bag dangling off his side. he looked between the two. 

"Have a site, I'll catch you up," Patrick said. 

Charlie started off after Patrick caught him up, the first thing was to check on Crystal, he unlocked the door to his flat, no sound, he walked into the front room, "Hello?" Charlie called, No answer, then a portal opened, Crystal stepped through.

"Charlie!" she rushed forward hugging him, "I am so happy to see you," She said, She followed the hug by kissing him on the cheek. 

Charlie melted into the hug, "Crystal what were you doing?" he asked her.

Crystal looked nervously at the ground, "I'm not staying," She mumbled.


"I can't stay, the way Rain and Stella look at me, I can't stay here, but," She stopped taking Charlie's hands, "I'll stop by near-daily," She said. 

"Where are you staying?" 

Crystal smiled, "My mother's old house, I'm rebuilding it, it was about time that someone fixed it up," 

Charlie squizzed his eyes. "Okay, well if you need my help let me know,"  

"I will," Crystal walked to her portal, "I'll see you later Charlie, I love you," 

"I love you too," Charlie said as she walked through her portal. Charlie sighed, stood up and walked to his door. 

as he walked down the hull, he found Rain "Charlie, good to see you up and about," Rain said. 

Charlie despite being extremely saddened put on a smile, "Hello Rain, much happened with Rella?" Rain face still slashed red with embarrassment. 

"We're fine, for once we've been taking it easy, have you seen Crystal yet?" Rain asked, "We were slightly scared, we haven't seen her all week,"

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