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POV Stella

I was grabbed by Crystal I felt lightning coursing through my body, then darkness, and more darkness, until I was floating above a beacon, and the sky was night how much did I miss, and there was the Entity, I had no way of moving, only able to watch as the Entity stabed Kane and chucked him over a waterfall. 

then darkness again, "I told you, that I would win, and this is it, you belong to me," The Entity said, "Everything you are, it is me now, every day, every moment, your life experience are mine," 

I spent hours in this darkness, left with nothing but my mind, I tried to hold onto myself, but it was so hard, but then I saw something again, Charlie and I was fighting him, the Entity was. no, I was fighting him, he placed something on my arm before I slung him across the room. 

next thing I was feeling this horrible pain, I woke up, in a bed, on my own in frostbourne, it was gone finally gone, the Entity wasn't in my head, My body hurt, not as much as when I became a nether kin.

on the shoulder of my dress was a dampener, 'must have been what Charlie used on me' I thought, I sat up and looked about, a hospital room, the door opened and Azura walked in, her face lit up. 

Azura rushed over to me, "you're finally awake," she said hugging me. 

'finally awake? how long have I been out?' I thought, when she stopped hugging me, I had to ask, "how long have I been out?" 

Azura froze, "You were under the Entity's controls for three days, but counting days have become a lot harder, it's been close to a week since you were brought back here," she answered.

one question was floating around my mind, "Where's Rain?" I asked her, Azura looked down at the ground. she didn't want to answer me.

"I'm sorry Stella, the Entity still has him, Kyle said only you turned up when the entity attacked, Charlie could only save you," Azura answered. she hadn't looked up yet.

'Kyle? why would Kyle tell her and not Charlie?' the image of the hurt Charlie appeared in my head, how much he was bleeding, 'oh nortch, he isn't....' I could feel the emotions starting to bubble up. "Azura, is Charlie dead?" I asked, I was terrified at what her answer might be.

Azura finally looked at me, her eyes full of regret, "We don't know, Nostra was treating his wounds, and he just vanished," she explained. 

"What did he go after Crystal. like Rain did with Abigail?" I asked, I could see him doing that. Azura shook her head. 'then what does she mean?'

"something took him, we don't know what Lance..." I interpreted her. 

"Lance as in, the rouge end mage, who tried to kill me and Charlie?" I asked. no way he's trying to help us, and I swear Kane told me once that he killed Lance. "is there anything else I should know," 

Azura took in a deep breath, that's never a good sign, "Lance is a member of a small team that's fighting the Entity, that women El, who has a link to Daryll but he doesn't want to talk about it," another deep breath, I learnt a long time ago what that means with Azura, something I won't like, "The last member, the one who seems to be in charge is Abigail as in the Nether princess, the dead or not dead one, she's reluctant to explain that or her connection to Charlie," 

Abigail was alive, and moreover, she's here, "Come on finish caching me up as we walk, I want to change," as we walked Azura filled me in on the details, the extend to Crystal betrayal, Charlie actions to fix the walls, his personal mission to the reality outpost. the truth of Crystal relationship. "Who was crazy enough to have a kid with Herobrine? that's a horrifying idea," the child was horrifying as well. I really hope there's not a whole family of them out there. 

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