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POV Charlie 

I don't know why anybody would want to hear from my point of view but here we are, welcome to the hellscape that is my mind.

It's hard, keeping try of the time, It's been a day and a half I think, Ciara's compass was acting like we're in the nether, thankfully my pocket watch running on an independent battery so it wasn't affected, but This suit was not made for a journey like this. my feet hurt and I was cold.  

Ciara had barely spoken over the last day, I don't blame her the closest thing she had to family, was just killed in front of her, I did my best to comfort her, but I'm not in the best way myself, the thought that if I had built those dampeners better, or seen through Crystals lies. none of this would have happened, Kane would still be here.  

Kyle being Kyle did his best to try and keep up our spirits up, He knew we were hurting, and he was just trying to be a good friend, It wouldn't take sherlock holmes to tell he was worried, unable to open a portal to the nether, it was also clear that Hogsworth brutal death didn't help. but Kyle also put others ahead of himself. 

Abigail was the expectation to the rule, She spoke, maybe too much, but somehow also evaded the big question. Who she was working with, this mysterious person who revived her. I didn't trust her not yet, I want to trust, but with every that happened, maybe I'll give up on trust. 

"Charlie? you good?" Kyle asked, I turned to him, It's funny he's changed the most out of everyone, horns, fangs, Claws, but somehow despite all that, despite the war, somehow he was the same, more so than myself. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answered, okay yes that was a complete lie, every time I close my eyes, I see Kane face, that look of complete shook as the scythe dug into him. the sound as it cut his flesh, and his body as his body fell. 

"Just checking, Got any idea how long we've got to continue walking?" kyle asked, he smiled. he somehow look the best in the group, least amount of battle damage, I gave the ruby thorn to him to carry as he's the only one of us who did other rise carry a normal weapon. relying on his magic. 

"Ciara," I said, she stopped at the front. she looked the worse of the group, she had given her self very little care, we passed a few groups of zombies, and she stopped to kill each one of them. some of them managed to hurt her. thankful she's already undead so that she couldn't just be infected. "How far to frostbourne do you think?" I do like Ciara, outside of being an assassin she's a good friend, and fairly trustworthy. 

"Another hour or so," she pointed forward, and in the low light I could just make out something grey on the black sky, "Something from Frostbourne, possibly the barracks, best guess from our position it's a few hours, soon enough we'll be able to see the dreadfort," Ciara added. 

'I hate that, seriously who calls they home dreadfort?' I asked myself. that's why I always just refer to it as the citadel. I walked hoping that the others were fine, Were the red legion still attacking, are going to find everybody slaughtered, Frostbourne a burning hole in the ground.

"They are safe I know it," Abigail said as if she was reading my mind what was completely possible, given the link that exists between my mind and her, another thing she avoids talking about. 

"Stop talking," Ciara said, That was her response most of the time when Abigail spoke. "Last thing we want to hear is you talking," Despite what people would assume looking at this group. Kyle held no love for Abigail. 

I atone this to fact that People likely compare him to her all time, and now here she is the woman who shadow he's lived in, he would show contempt even if he hides it underlays of lays. "I'm only trying...." 

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