🌾🇸🇬 :: The Closet

800 13 10

(written on August 2021)

Platonic, I don't ship them.


As the organization entered the clubhouse with his tablet on hand, he looked around the room. Apparently some European countries are in it right now-Ukraine, France and Slovenia to be specific. The European Union isn't here however, nor NATO and UN. Weird, they should be here by now, he thought.

He walked over to a wooden table nearby the doorway and placed the tablet down, as he glances around the room. There were a bunch of closets scattered around the area and somehow desks full of a bunch of things from books to snacks. This feels like one of those science laboratories in a school, but replacing everything inside with books and random objects which aren't exactly chemicals.

ASEAN hasn't been in here in quite a bit, but it seemed like nothing had changed since. Probably new materials, but nothing much else. The international clubhouse isn't that populated anyway, so it did make sense for everyone not to decorate it fully. In fact, America did have the idea of this building in the first place.

He sat down on the chair and opened up his tablet, plainly ignoring the ASEAN family picture in the lock screen and went to the messaging app. He had texted Singapore that he would meet up with him here as well, it seemed like he didn't came. He sent a message ("Where did you go?") and shut off the device once more. He found himself leaning on the wooden chair afterwards, trying his best not to fall down. Ukraine then finally spotted the organization and waved at him for a little bit, before she went back to her own business by eating snacks. ASEAN just waved back slightly.

A quiet minute then passed then it was interrupted by... Screaming? Everyone in the room looked towards the entrance door to see Britain literally handcuffing America who was screaming like a child. Everyone in the room was confused on what's happening, but eventually both of them started talking.

"Shut up, America," UK hissed, as he slowly releases the handcuffs. "You know that you can't USE nukes, UN's going to slap your butt."

Nukes? Didn't we propose stuff about nukes in the past? Did the US got himself in trouble?

The organization just observes the both for a brief second then both countries noticed and waved at him for a second.

"Oh uh-! Greetings, sir ASEAN!" Britain called. "Sorry if you came through a mess over here, I just needed to clean this up."

"YOU'RE the mess," America said, as he broke eye contact with the organization towards his father.

The UK rolled his eyes and continued his statement. "The opposite side of the clubhouse was exploded. Slovakia and Malaysia, alongside this buggar's child somehow got access to some nukes-"

"Wait a minute," ASEAN interrupted. "Malaysia?"

"Mm," the older country shrugged. "Singapore as well, well it's just only a bomb he planted."

A 'what' was the only expression he could let out, then standing up and asking politely, "May I ask where they are right now?"

"Singapore is locked in a closet, Malaysia escaped," Britain said, finally letting go of Ame's wrists.

He sighed out of a short dismay. "Of course Malaysia has to escape... Wait pardon, Singa is in a closet?"

The other country just nodded as the superpower finally runs away from the room. The UK sighed, and just said, "Yes, I need to be right back for a moment. It's somewhere near the storage area, you can free him whatever."

As the country left to chase his own child, ASEAN stood and looked over the storage room immediately. He unlocks the door and made his way inside. He used his phone as his torch to navigate the dark room, as his halo technically doesn't give that much light.

He turned to his right and knocked on the nearest closet he could find. A familiar voice could be heard behind him

"ASEAN?" That voice would call. He recognizes that voice, it was Singapore.

ASEAN grabbed the keys hanging on the wall and asked. "Singapore? Where are you?"

A few knocks could be heard to his right. He walked towards the sound and saw a cabinet, and unlocked it.

Singapore was then seen immediately dropped onto the ground nearby ASEAN's shoes, facing upwards and panting heavily.

The organization gave off a confused and concerned face before asking the chairman, "What did you do?"

"I accidentally... set off a bomb outside," he explained, as he pressed his wrists on his eyes. "It's so goddamn hot in there..."

"Huh? What were you doing?"

"Yeah I may or may not have been playing with fire with Mal," he said, as he finally sat up the ground. "-Hurted Britain in the process, then locked both of us in. Mal escaped without me."

Southeast would sigh, then offered his hand for Singapore to stand up. Singapore did, so ASEAN said, "You should really know that we can't play with those anymore, we aren't like 12."

"Yeah..," Singapore said. Both ASEAN and Singapore basically are around the same age, so they both do have similar ages.

He sighed. "Well, get up, we have more businesses to deal with.

They both left the room.

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