🇺🇳🌾 :: {it's 2:30am and I have insomnia so here's some fluff idk a title pls

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idrc if you ship I see this more as platonically but eh

takes place in about 2008 btw


It's evening at his own cabin.

The seashore has been hit with slight waves gladly, and it was extremely dark.

ASEAN spent his entire night trying to sleep, but literally couldn't. He tried to place a pillow on his head, several different positions, the hammock, the sofa-he literally couldn't sleep. Well technically it's possible that he can't sleep for an entire day as organizations like him has the ability that they don't really need sleep, but is that really considered fair towards others he have communicated over the past 40 years? Literally most of the people he have met are countries for goodness sake, if he didn't sleep at all then he would feel extremely bad for them.

It was an early Sunday and he doesn't know what to do! There isn't that much to do at 2 in the morning without being looked at by a bunch of people on the streets. There isn't any work for him to finish, so might as well try to go to sleep? Again?

He dropped to his bed once more and laid his entire front body onto the mattress, placing a pillow on top of his head with his wings out, covering his ears. He froze at this position for 30 seconds until he gave up. He really couldn't sleep.

This is annoying.... What now? He can fly to the ASEAN office and read one of the books he hasn't read back in the lounge, but it felt like it's too early for that. He can ask Malay or Phil if he can stay in their place for the night, but he doesn't want to wake them up at this hour.


Ironically, he's really tired of trying to sleep. He doesn't know if he's that energized today or his body wouldn't function as his brain intended, but this is a really, really bad feeling. He has experienced this before, but this is the first time he has stayed up 2 hours past midnight because of this.

His head gave up trying to sleep and he just decided to move on from this and do something else... Quite until his blurry eyes spotted a figure outside the window his bedroom view had.

He would usually see the ocean from this point of view, but there's some sort of a light blue, blurry blob? It kind of blended in with the dark, night sky, and so he decided to reach out for his glasses by the nightstand and put them on.

He looked back at where he noticed the blob and noticed. A person! A person wearing a blue coat. What's a person doing on front of this cabin at this hour?

But then he realized.
That wasn't any other person.
That was literally the UN.

His eyes widen at that realization and immediately shut the window, loudly by accident. As soon as he closed it, he started getting nervous as he might be caught still up by this hour. The UN is definitely going to kill him for not sleeping.

Why was he outside the cabin? He doesn't even remember giving that international organization the location of this cabin of his! Maybe this is just a huge coincidence or he's lost? Yeah... Maybe he is.

ASEAN decided to scrap his scarredness and get up. His hair was a jumbled mess trying to sleep, and so he decided to tie it with a high ponytail for now, he didn't really care if it was messy anymore. A few of his baby hair wasn't able to grip onto the hair tie though, but he's too annoyed to figure that out. And his wings.

His printed shirt and shorts were fine... Yeah... Pretty sure the UN can excuse this attire for now. He isn't really in an office after all.

He sighed and walked towards the door and went out, wearing his slippers (or flip-flops) on the way at the doorway. The slight sandy ground felt like he's by the beach right now, but that's mostly because of the sea nearby.

He adjusted his glasses and looked around to find the organization he saw earlier, but eventually spotted him, sitting by a huge rock with his coat already taken off and placed on a smaller rock, showing the white polo the organization was wearing. He was also seen with his wings out which reminded ASEAN that he needed to be serious over this guy, but for crying out loud it's 2am and he's done with sleeping.

He walked towards the rock he was sitting and eventually called, "Uni..?"

The other eventually looked back and noticed the organization calling him, "Oh ASEAN! I was waiting for you to show up."

"I- what..?"

"I wasn't knocking or anything, but I saw you awake and it took you ages for you to notice me."

"I just want to sleep," he murmured.

"Then do it!"

"But I can't!"

There was a quick drop of silence as soon as Sea spoke those three words, but then the UN told him, "Come up here."

The regional organization sighed in response and decided to join the other on top of the big rock. He almost slipped on his way to the top, but he was able to stay beside the other as a success. UN's right wing eventually was wrapped around the back of the other even if his wings are out, eventually bringing him closer to him, assuming that he doesn't want him to fall or slip over.

The two looked at the horizon for a moment until ASEAN's head leaned on the older's shoulder. As a response, the United Nations started to even tighten his wing wrap across the regional organization, attempting like it was supposed to act as a blanket.

They both were just stuck in silence except for the moonlight waves of the sea, until the Asian spoke.

"Why are you here..?"

The international organization looked down and smiled, "I just felt... Like seeing someone tonight. You're the first one that came into my mind."

ASEAN hummed for a bit a "hm?" before asking further, "How was I the first one to come into your mind, if that makes sense?"

"That's a good question, I don't actually know," he answered. "I guess it's because someone gave me your address here the other day and I thought it's worth visiting."

The other just commented a "mmmm" before the conversation became silent once more, now in a much more sleepy state.

The coldness of the wind of the ocean fills both with such a cool temperature considering that it's summer. If he's being honest, the UN liked this area, a lot. Even if he's barely stayed in this place for a bit. He think that this area felt so pleasing for a person like ASEAN to stay and reside even if it technically isn't his official address.

The two stayed like this for quite some time until ASEAN's vision came into a black.

He remembers the UN speaking something before he went to his own dream.

"Goodnight, Sea."



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