🇲🇾🇵🇭🇮🇩 :: Darkness

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(written on October 30, 2021)

happy halloweee

this is kind of short sorry, I needed a break from writing stress relief stuff (the 'golden' fanfiction) for a bit whilst giving out a wholesome tone

im the most earliest person out there call me out B)


Malaysia 🇲🇾 - he/him
Philippines 🇵🇭 - he/him
Indonesia 🇮🇩 - he/him


Each and every step inside the building feels like a shiver had occupied the environment.

The Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia trio would find themselves near the doorway for the building, the white marble tiles would reflect the moonlight from outside. It was literally pure black from the entrance onwards... The desk and the signage that was usually supposed to be seen on front of them, it's literally all black.

Due to how dark it currently was, Phil was nervous, almost sweating at this point. He really did fear the dark, as anything can just drag him down out of nowhere. He somehow find his way to tap someone's shoulder nearby, Indonesia's.

"Apa?" [what?]

"Flashlight, do you have?" the archipelagoic country asked with visible fear and shaking at his voice.

"Ay- no, Mal, do you have flashlight?"

Malaysia is found in stress right now, making sure he wouldn't make himself fall down from the darkness. At that question, he responded, "Use your phone."

"It died," Indonesia confirmed, almost slipping down together with Philippines due to the floor having such material. Malaysia sighed in that response, and decided to pull out his phone's flash. Phil and Indo both went to Malay afterwards to stay close to the light.

The flashlight flashed onto the floor which gave a slight bounce of light across the room. Then they spotted a large window after bumping into the front desk. They were satisfied that there's a small amount of light bouncing naturally inside the office.

The room was full on dark but the window, the elevator was also closed down. Nobody is usually here on the Sundays, so it isn't really strange that nobody was here today. In addition, it's Halloween, it's even more scarier for them three to walk around cold and dark areas right now. Indo in specific has been thinking of concluding that their office turned into a horror house at one point, well Laos and Vietnam did team up one time to make a room like one.

Malaysia dropped the flashlight as soon as they heard a noise: someone or something hitting a metallic object. Phil jumped as soon as the phone was dropped towards the floor, whilst the bicolored country just froze and looked around left and right in panic.

"Guys, this isn't safe. Let's just get the papers tomorrow," the triangular-flagged country suggested, now holding onto Malaysia's shoulder.

"I would as well, but we really can't, UN really needs those right now," Mal responded. "Besides, we're going to probably die either way."

Indo groaned, "If this is just some sick prank, I'm literally going to loose it! Where the heck are the lights?"

The group remained silent with that question asked, without any response and all moved on towards the room.

The lounge, this place is usually brighter in the mornings. Why is it so dark? The window wasn't really doing a good job at providing starlight right now, so it was still difficult to see.

Picking up the flashlight, Malaysia started walking forwards once again. With the other two behind him, both in fear and nervousness to continue passing through.

They turned to their right for one second until a small familiar object crawled on Indonesia's back-



The country trips over the floor, causing him to slip over alongside the other two countries beside him. They all were found on pain, and a bunch of "ouches" can be heard within the three.

Mal hissed, leaning towards a table stool nearby, "Indo, what the heck?"

"We were doing so well!" Phil childishly whined, trying his hardest to escape from the pile yet still in pain from hitting the ground so hard.

In that note, a familiar voice would be heard by the stairs' doorway with a familiar red glow nearby.

"What happened here?" The countries would look over by the stairway, recognizing the red-to-orange halo and the recolored flag they originally had a plan for-it was their boss, ASEAN. He was clearly seen as his halo emitted such a strong glow. It was unclear what he was wearing at the moment, but weirdly enough he was wearing a some sort of cape-robe thing.

"I- uhh," the Indonesian pulled out those stutters out of his mouth, then Malaysia added to his statement.

"Hi sir! We're just, uhm.... Looking for our files! We didn't really mean to trespass or anything and we know that it's our day off today but we just need it?"

The organization would remain silent for a few seconds before responding, "You know, you can just call me or inform me right?"

"Right! Right!" Phil agreed, then saying a statement. "Sorry AS- Sea, it's not my idea to barge into this right now."

"Who started this?"

Both Malaysia and Philippines would turn it's head towards Indonesia who was still on the floor after them stumbling down the floor. Indo sighed, "Pa, I admit it, it was me. But it really isn't- AAAA-"

Interrupting his statement, the same creature who made him startle was then felt on his hands, a cockroach, he shook it hard until he realized it jumped away. Phil would immediately feel it afterwards and stood up whilst almost falling down while doing so until clarifying that it's gone off his body now. Malaysia was left confused on the ground, but then slowly slid away from them just in case.

ASEAN was left a chuckle after their sudden reactions, then turning in the light switch and after, said the following words.

"Happy Halloween, key's in the front desk."

The organization left them afterwards after the countries was realizing what he was wearing. Did they just see ASEAN wearing a Halloween costume? It looks like he was wearing a wizard one, looks like he's about to attend a party related to the organizations right now that explains the fact that why he was still in the building at the moment.

Malaysia looked around him for a little until he noticed the cockroach on the floor on front of him. He stared at it for a little, then moving closer to it and picking it up.

Indonesia called, "Malaysia!"

"Guys..." Malaysia spoke. "This is a toy cockroach."

A moment of silence was surrounded around the Maphilindo trio for a solid five seconds and after it's realization, Indo found himself groaning whilst Phil gave away a look of disapproval.


look at me updating at 5am okay sorry goodnight

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