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[playing video_19668_2006]_

A faint static noise can be heard.

The camera fades from complete black to what it seemed to be an office table. Fuzzy audio and a really saturated video. It was facing towards a video shelf.

It was then placed down onto something, and afterwards a door was shut off camera.







Faint arguing can be heard from a distance. Mumbled words.


"-...by then it will be gone!"

"If I get acc..pted then it's going to be huge! I don't like to be known everywhere!"

"He chose you for a reason, Se-"

"I don't kn..w if I can do it anymore..!"





"I appreciate the opportunity he gave but.... What about you..? I c..nt leave you behind..."



"At this po..t I think everything from here on out would be... Hard..."



"I've never been ..is active before..."

"We're going to be o...ay! He gave you the opportunity for a re...son!"



"Thank you."



A door opens from behind slowly.

> Video ends.

[playing video_19672_2006]_


It was pure darkness, and there was no content, just a black screen...

"Where do I go from here?"


"I don't th..k they understood what's been happen..ng lately."

"Out of anyone... Why me.?"

> Video ends.

[playing video_19675_2006]_

"Th..s is not ending well, this is n..t ending well!!"

The camera was shaking forwards, running away from what seemed to be an office. Heavy breathing can be heard from the person holding the camera, and gunshots could be heard from afar despite it's fuzzy audio. The voice speaking seemed to be ke of the people from the first recording.

The person bumps into someone, alongside the camera, but the camera is facing down so that person remained anonymous.

"I'm ...ry! Duìbùqǐ!!"


"...snapped! It's..."


A loud 'bang' can be heard, camera flips over.


> Video ends.

[playing video_19689_2006]_

Camera remained to be black.

"..I'm sorry."

"No, don't ap..logize..."



"I shouldn't really be here in...irst place."

"We needed you."


Somehow, the audio quality started to not chop off.

"I can't handle this anymore..."

"You've done better than any of us could. You have opportunities because you earned them.."

"I messed up so badly..."

"...who doesn't..?"


"...w- we shouldn't really be talking about this..."

"That's fine."

"B- but it's... Not..."


"Let's just get back inside and check what damage has been done.."



"Hm? What's wrong?"



"I told you already, everything will be okay. From now on, we will keep an eye on you... Got it...?"



"Nevermind. Let's just go back in."

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