🇪🇺🇺🇳 :: It's never too late!

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(written on November 6, 2021)

look at me being early at everything /s

happy late eu and un day :)

This is not a ship. Text in [brackets] are little author's notes just in case you don't get the references :))


"Germany, your help is much appreciated by me. Thank you."

"No problem sir."

"You're dismissed."

The European organization observed his member state leave the room and closing the door in the process, then slouching on his chair in satisfaction.

He had done a lot lately, busy workloads and schedules. Meetings here and there, paperwork to be checked every now and then, life has been a whole mess for the EU. He is usually active around his workplace literally ever since he started existing, and he became the top priority of a lot of countries in terms of making laws. He still had to face so much difficulties and backlash though. Remember Article 13? He received so much to the point where he almost gave it up.

He rolled his office chair to the side, bumping the back wheels onto a shelf. He jumped by the sudden accident, in which he turned to see his window.

His yellow irises landed onto the dark blue sky with the stars twinkling above. The white, transparent curtains would flow inside his office gracefully, and he looks down to see a bunch of framed pictures and collectables. One with the members of his organization which was a formal photo, and the other with him, ASEAN, UN and EAEU in the frame presumably having a fun time together.

He sighed heavily, before leaning back in his chair. Today feels... different than usual? It's not because he has been working a lot and this was the first time he hasn't gotten his eyes off his papers in a while, but his guts felt like something else was ongoing today.

The organization jumped on his seat as soon as he heard someone suddenly crack open the doorknob in front of him. He huffed after realizing that they hadn't knocked, and so as the door opened he stated.

"Please don't forget to kno-"

His eyes widened as soon as he realized who was at the doorway. United Nations, out of anyone one of his stupid partners had to step in right now.

The UN froze for a moment just because of the other's sudden reaction and to clarify, he asked: "Did I do something wrong?"

EU rolled back to his original place on the desk then responded, "N- No! You didn't sir, I just- didn't expect you to come in right now."

"Yeah, sorry for not knocking nor informing you that I would be here," the world organization apologized, closing the door behind him afterwards.

"Oh no, it's no worries. Feel free to take a seat and tell me why you're here if you don't mind informing," the European said, now tapping his fingers onto the desk full of papers repeatedly.

United Nations sat down on the seat on his right to his right and afterwards looked around the area for a little bit. He couldn't remember when was the last time he had been here, it's been a long time since he had stepped foot into his office. It's a good thing that he was able to see it again in a better condition as he last entered here, there was a fire incident a while back that made half of the office in pure black at one point. Oh, that reminds him-

Shooking the thoughts out, UN told the other, "Well I just really came here just to check up on you."

"A checkup? On me?" the other stated, in which he changed his arms' position to be on top of the desk, crossed. "What are you checking me up on and why?"

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