🌾🇪🇺 :: Sunset Flight

561 13 0

(written on August 2021)

idrc if you ship them romantically or platonically please, just don't force ship the actual organizations irl


The southeast Asian organization was on his usual place on work, a work desk. He was looking back and forth towards his rose-colored tablet Singapore gave him a few months back, as it displayed some documents written by the UN about their partnership... Again.

It was around 2015, this topic had been repeating for a few weeks now, but at least it wasn't as long as that one Spratly Islands dispute. He's tired of it, for now, and so he decided to take a break.

He closes the documents application on the tablet with his stylus, and it showed the background. The background he set temporarily was him together with the UN and the EU after an international meeting, as they were in their formal attires, the background it being a rice field and the sun was setting behind the three. He does have the ASEAN family as his lock screen too, to be fair with everyone he had touched heavily.

He observed the tablet turning off and going to sleep once more, and then he shuts the cover. He removed his blocky-shaped glasses and leaned on the black office chair, groaning.

He needed a break from work... but he wanted to be active. However, he hated sports, and dancing isn't really his thing. He ran out of ideas on what to do in breaks, this was generally the reason why he wanted to work.

He notices the room of the office turning slightly orange, the light emitting from the windows behind him was turning darker, it was about to be sunset. He shrugged and just stood up, picked up his tablet and glasses on the table and proceeded to walk outside the office.

Afternoons in the office is pretty silent, considering that the organization only has 10 members and 2 observers. At least 2-4 members/observers were always in the office, and today he was able to spot Malaysia and Singapore inside the building. He was glad those two were able to get back together through the association, their relationship history was the most complicated relationship he had ever seen.

After waving and greeting at the two countries, he found himself outside at the balcony, where he could see a view of an enormous rice field. He wore his glasses again and checked over his tablet to see any notifications. There was one, and it was a message from EU.

Without bothering to read a word from that notification, he unlocks the device and went towards the messaging app immediately. He scrolled to find the union's name and found 2 unread messages.

European Union 🇪🇺
- - 4:25 pm - -

- Hey so uhh, Uni doesn't really want to go with me but, are you up for a flight practice right now? I mean you know, spreading wings and flying like that. This isn't really a business thing but, maybe it's a thing we can do together for now. :>

- Tell me if you're interested.


Flight practice.

He reread the entire message again, trying to think about it. He recalled, he wasn't really a flying type of person. He grew up as a country and not an organization so he never considered practicing flying, and literally none of his members have wings-or at least he thought none of them had anyway-so he never really bothered showing them off. He grew up in an area where people would keep talking about certain people who are different in any way, he has been talked about a lot and he doesn't want to let the entire public know that he can fly.

But a flight practice? And especially with someone he had been affiliating for almost his entire career? He was up for it, but he was unsure about one specific detail on the text message.

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