🌾 :: oh ya there's an asean au version as well

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basically in this asean used to be a dragon or sm idk im splitting this into three bc that's how my submission was written

again im really proud of this im not publishing this in the other book jsut


"Thank you so much for being a great brother, Sea."

That voice.

It echoed inside his head as spoken, his heart dropped once he started to piece what's happening all together. In his own sight.

His eyes sharpened when he noticed, but took so late to react. He immediately flew to the area.

"WAIT- NO!-"

He ran to the edge of the cone on where she was…. The sound of the lava inside the cone was bubbling so hard to the point he couldn't even catch up to her.

He stopped as he saw her falling into it, head to toe.

"N- no…"

He couldn't believe it.

But before he had time to react, the liquid from the cone started to bubble. 

And it was getting louder. 

And louder.

He had to get out of here…

His head was just full of splashes of different emotions… Each one making him panic more and more. He can't just stand there on a volcano before he gets hurt! Or he can't also leave his sister behind… and he's… changing…?

Immediately with the last of his abilities, he spread his wings and with the powers he had left, escaped from the danger, which is the possibility of the volcano erupting.

Once he counted second to second, at the 17th tick he reached the ocean, with another island beside it. He dropped his full, snake-like body into the water to avoid the explosion and possible ear damage before half a second later–


He saw the waves of water took him to the other side before he realized he couldn't breathe under anymore.

He floated up to the upshore as he looked at the volcano which is now just full of lava… and ashes. It was all cloudy and dark.

But most of all, the curse was lifted. He wasn't even a dragon anymore.

He's a human now.

As he was at the nearby shore of an island beside the volcano, there was a village just right there. Everyone was panicking from the explosion, he knew that it would happen one way or another… this volcano was inactive for ages until now.

Luckily, one of the locals decided to help him out and get up from the water, and get some clothes as they evacuated in the meantime. They couldn't leave anyone behind, even if they're confused how he got here.

All what's left was a dragon pendant. And him having his so-called normal body back.

But with the cost of someone he considered his family.



Hey there :)

Apparently I'm an adult who is legally allowed to have an actual career now, or whatever humans call that… but i still wanna write in like a diary something? I dunno, this is still fun to make and I like putting stuff i study here,, it's my birthday after all sooooo…

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