Chapter 6: The Monster

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Chapter 6: The Monster

El sits up quickly, breathing heavily. I swing my head towards her and cock it to the side, wondering what is wrong. Her face is dirtier than it was and all the stuff Mike but on her face is gone.

I look around the area that I chose to rest in. The sun is up and shining and has been for an hour or so. The forest of trees stretch out for miles and miles. You can vaguely see where by gargantuan body pushes trees aside. Close by there is a lake that I have drank from a few times.

El slowly gets out from the mess of legs, tail and neck to get out of the way as I close my eyes, letting my body shrink down to its original form.

When I return human, waves of exhaustion hit me like a car

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When I return human, waves of exhaustion hit me like a car. I barely get up and wipe away the massive amount of blood from my nose. El has to catch me before I tumble to the ground. I will not be able to use my powers for a while until I recharge some energy.

El helps me get to the lake. As I rest up against a tree, El takes her fake hair and puts it on. She sighs before taking it off.

With a scream, she makes a blast in the water. I wince from the loud sound and a bunch of birds fly away from the sound. With that out of the way, El turns to me and helps me up. With my arm around El's shoulders, we slowly make our way to civilization.

Just in the edge of houses, we see a large building with people coming out with food. Exhausted and tired, I sit down. After a silent conversation with El, we agree that El goes in alone, gets food for us, while I stay outside, resting.

With El's help, we move back into the forest. El lays me down and I rest. El gives me a nod and goes back to get food. She is gone for a couple minutes, before I hear the shattering of glass.

El walks up to me and helps me up. Taking the food, we hobble back into the forest. It takes a while, with all the food and my exhausted self.

Eventually, we sit down and eat. El digs into the Eggos she got and I eat the assortment of fruit she got for me. There were no pomegranates, but there were apples, these long yellow things (bananas), and small balls of red things where in the middle was these smaller balls you can not eat (cherries).

My favourite was this big green bulb that I had to throw on the ground a few times to open. Inside was this red watery deliciousness (water melon). El tried some of my fruit and she also liked some of them.

After eating, we get up and start walking. I take the time to truly admire the land around us.

The colours of brown, red, orange and yellow cover the leaves and trees. The bright blue sky empty of any clouds. As we walk, twigs and multicoloured leaves crunch and snap under our feet. Birds chirp happily in the trees, before taking off, making a giant arrow in the sky as they fly away. I look to the sound of scurrying and see a squirrel run down a tree with nut in its mouth. I watch as it buries the nut under the ground.

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