Season 2, Chapter 3: The Pollywog

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Season 2, Chapter 3: The Pollywog

The cold winter night wind chilled El and I to the bone as we wait for the mysterious person to come put more food in the box. Who was it, I can not help but wonder. Was it Joyce? She was nice. Was it the bad men? They did not know about the Eggos. Or maybe they do, because of the grocery store incident.

I suddenly hear the crunching of boots on snow. I perk up, alerting El. We watch as none other than Chief Hopper comes out of the woods.

Hopper sees the open box and puts his flashlight down. He starts putting food inside of the box, before picking up his flashlight and closing the box. Hopper then turns and walks back the way he came.

And then El does what El does best. Reckless decisions that put our lives at risk.

She goes after him and I follow. I do not know what it is about velociraptors, but it is so much easier to be silent in this form than in any other. So it is not at all surprising when El stumbles, catches herself and stands behind Hopper.

Hopper turns around and sees El standing in the middle of the path, looking at him. I sigh as much as a velociraptor can, and slowly follow El out into the open, constantly looking around us, in case this is a trap. Hopper takes off his hat and ushers us into his car.

 Hopper takes off his hat and ushers us into his car

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"Rise and shine." Hopper says, waking El and I up. I hear El turn over on her side and Hopper says, "So that's it, huh? You're still not talking?" When he gets no response, he just says, "All right. I guess I am just gonna have to, uh... enjoy this triple-decker Eggo extravaganza on my own."

And the next thing you know, El is happily eating her triple-decker eggo extravaganza, along with Hopper. I just sip on my orange juice, and nibble at a strip of bacon.

Bacon is delicious. Best thing I have ever had, except for pomegranates. Bacon is truly the best creation ever and I think I would die for bacon. Does that make sense? No, it does not.

"Mmm. Mmm! Good, right? Know the great thing about it? It's only 8,000 calories." Hopper says.

We remain silent.

Hopper looks at the TV wire leading to our room, before asking, "You visited him again last night?"

El looks at him, before reluctantly saying, "He says he needs me."

"Want me to go check on him?" Hopper asks, not aware that I already did last night. He sure misses El and I. Well, mostly El.

El shakes her head, so Hopper says, "I know that you miss him, all right? But it's too dangerous. You're the last thing he needs right now. You're gonna see him. Soon. And not just in that head of yours. You're gonna see him in real life. I feel like I'm making progress with these people."

El leans in forward and I say, "Friends don't lie."

"What?" Hopper asks, confused.

"You say 'soon' on day 21." El says, her voice rising in intensity. "You say 'soon' on day 205. You now say 'soon' on day 326?"

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