Season 3, Episode 2: The Mall Rats

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Season 3, Episode 2: The Mall Rats

Claire's POV

Jane was worried. Very worried.

She has been pacing up and down the porch, waiting for any sign of Mike. The door opens as she marches in and over to the telephone.

"Hey. Is everything okay?" Hopper asks.

"Yes." Jane responds. She punches in the number and waits, before heading towards our bedroom, phone in hand. "It's 9:32. Where are you?"

She uses her powers to close the door, so I cannot hear what Mike says, just Jane.

"What... why not?" Jane says.

"But Hop said that your Nana was okay, that it was a false alarm." Jane responds.


"Was that your mom?"

"You can come over after?" Jane asks.

"Do you lie?"

And then that finished the conversation. Jane, looking dazed, opens the door and puts the phone back.

"Hey, what going on?" I ask.

Jane does not respond, but walks back into our room and closes the door with her mind again.

I turn to Hopper and ask, "What did you do?"

Hopper feints innocence and answers, "Me? I didn't do anything?"

I look at him, squinting my eyes. I try to guess what he did, but I cannot figure out anything.

"Fine." I say, before coming over to our bedroom.

I try to open the door, but it slams shut.

"Jane. This my bedroom too." I say. "Let me in."

After a moment, I try the door again. It creeks open, so I enter and go to the bed Jane is on. I sit down next to her.

"Jane, what happened?" I ask.

"Mike." Jane says. "He said he isn't coming today. His nana is very sick."

"Oh Jane." I say as I hug the saddened girl, even though I am very happy that Mike is finally not coming.

Jane hugs me back and we just sit there, hugging.

"I missed this." Jane says.

"Me too." I agree. "You spend much time with Mike. None with me or others anymore."

"I am sorry, Claire." Jane says. "I left you alone. Bad of me."

"Forgive you." I say firmly.

"Are you sure?" Jane asks, teary eyed.

"Forgive you." I confirm. I stand up and take Jane's hands. "I have idea. Come with me to Max."

"Max?" Jane asks.

"Yes!" I say, excited to see Max. "She knows what is like. With Lucas."

Max told me that she would be spending the morning trying a new trick on her skateboard before coming over. So, when Hopper left, I I put on my green sweater that Max gave me and took Jane to Max's house.

As we walked up the street, I see Max on her skateboard. I can see the fresh scrapes in her legs as she attempts her latest trick. She tries to kick up the board, but it slips out from under her and starts rolling towards us.

"Shit!" Max curses as she falls to the ground.

As the skateboard comes directly at me, I get ready to do the move Max showed me with the skateboard. As it comes to me, I step on the front part, before the wheels and catch the back end as it swing up to me. I pick it up and walks over towards Max, as her eyes raise in surprise, then cloud in confusion.

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