Season 3, Episode 8: The Battle of Starcourt

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Season 3, Episode 8: The Battle of Starcourt

Claire's POV

Jane continues to cry out in pain, and there is nothing I can do. I mean, aside from rip off her leg, but that is a last resort. I pace around, chittering to myself.

"What is that?" Lucas' sister asks.

"There's something in there." Mike says.

"No!" Jane cries out in pain.

"Jesus Christ." Dustin curses.

"Keep her talking. Keep her awake, okay?" Jonathan says, getting up and running off.

It is been a long time since I have been forced into a transformation, not since my first encounter with the Demogorgon. I whine and crouch down, putting a clawed hand over my face, over the fading scars. Jane screams again and energy shoots through me like a lightning strike. I pace back and forth, trying to think, trying to get the energy out of my system, but every sound of Jane's pain has me shocked by another blast of urgency.

I look up and see Max talking to me. I barely even register her, not even making out what she is saying. It sounds as if everyone except Jane is underwater. My mind only focusing on one thing. Saving Jane.

Jonathan comes back as Robin stops talking. Jonathan says something to Jane, but I hear her agree to whatever is happening. Jonathan gives Mike a wooden spoon, who gives it to Jane to bite down on.

Jane whimpers as Jonathan brings a knife down to her leg. Every ounce of me is spurring me to stop this, but I feel Max holding my head to her chest, stroking my scales. I can hear her heartbeat through the chaos, a sense of calm washes over me, but as soon as Jane screams in pain as Jonathan cuts into her leg, energy bursts through me again, making Max have to hold me back from lunging at Jonathan.

She stands in front of me, arms spread out, as I try to pass her, yet everywhere I move, she is in front of me. As Jonathan reaches a gloved hand into Jane's leg, I roar in frustration, matching Jane's own scream of pain.

It is not until Jane spits out the spoon and screams "NO! STOP IT! STOP! STOP!" that I leap over Max, landing in front of Jane.

The people around her scatter as I roar at them, showing them my large sharp teeth and whipping my tail back and forth. I stand over her protectively, snarling and roaring if anyone gets too close.

Jane grunts as she props herself up. "I can do it. I can do it."

Jane pants as she gets into an upright position. She holds her hand over the wriggling mass inside her leg. Jane starts to sail again, as she uses her powers to pull the thing out.

"God!" She curses. "God!"

She screams again as the creature is pulled to the surface of her leg. It's Upside Down cry joins in the pandemonium as the glass wall next to us shatters. I use my body as a shield for those around me, mainly Jane and Max. The tiny fleshy hand-looking creature separates from Jane's leg and she brings it close, still screaming. She pulls her arm back and throws the creature, letting it flop on the floor a couple times.

I screech and move to squish it before it can crawl away, but a big black boot stomps on it first, ending its existence. We look up and see Hopper and Joyce standing there, with a balding man with glasses with them.

After Hopper, Joyce and their friend arrive, I stalk off, trying to find a way to transform back. It takes a while, but eventually, with Max soothing me with some soft singing and strokes, I can shift back into human form.

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