Season 2, Chapter 6: The Lost Sister

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Season 2, Chapter 6: The Lost Sister

(A/N: So you maybe be wondering, "Hey Dragon Lemur. Isn't season 2 episode 6 called The Spy? Why are you skipping an episode? Even if the episode doesn't continue El's adventure, why don't you just write?" And to that, my friends, I say, "Very good points. It's true that El's adventure isn't in that episode and I was going to write a filler chapter, but then looking at the next episode The Lost Sister, it takes off directly where the episode Dig Dug left off, actually backtracking a little bit too." So that, my friends is why I'm skipping that episode. Anyway, this should be a longer chapter, so that should balance it out. Enjoy the chapter!)

"Okay. You okay?" Aunt Becky asks.

El/Jane nods and gets up. We all follow her as she explains what she saw.

Everything from El's birth, my Mama Hannah and Terry waking up and their babies were taken by Papa, the two sisters getting ready to get us back, going to the lab, getting to the rainbow room, seeing us playing with another girl, then the bad men taking Mama and Terry away and frying their brains, leaving Terry in this state and killing my Mama.

I sit in shock, everything too much. My head hurts from everything that is happening. My hold my head in my hands, just in shock.

"And it just kept repeating?"

"Repeat?" El asks, curious about the new word.

"Like a circle? Just showing you the same image over and over?" Aunt Becky explains.

"She kept showing the girl in the room."

"The rainbow room?" Aunt Becky asks. El/Jane nods. "What did the girl look like?"


"Different than you?"

I get up and leave the table. I cannot process everything right now. I walk out the door and sit down, the fresh air calming down my suffocating lungs. I run my fingers through my hair and rest my head in my arms.

I hear rummaging inside, but I cannot focus on that. I need to clear my head. Maybe go on a run.

I stand up and walk into the yard. Without a specific dinosaur in mind, I just let my body transforms. My body shifts and morphs, the skin ripping and sinking in and letting the hardened scaled hide come forth. My bones stretch and warp into something new.

I shake my prehistoric head and whip my tail back and forth

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I shake my prehistoric head and whip my tail back and forth. I roll my shoulders and stretch my muscles out, before taking off into the forest around Aunt Becky's house.


By the time I came back, it was late at night. I return to my human form and stealthily sneak in.

 I return to my human form and stealthily sneak in

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