Season 2, Chapter 4: Will the Wise

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Season 2, Chapter 4: Will the Wise

By the time we got back to the cabin, night had fallen a long time ago. As we walk through the woods, I cannot help but feel like the darkness is about to swallow me up. We finally make it to the cabin and silhouetted in the window is clearly Hopper standing outside, waiting for us.

El sighs and we head towards the cabin door. We walk right past Hopper and inside, to which Hopper immediately follows. He quickly slams the door behind him.

"Friends don't lie. Isn't that your bullshit saying?" As Hopper talks, we go straight to our room. We try to close the door, but Hopper catches the door and flings it open. "Hey, hey! Hey! Don't walk away from me!" Hopper stands in the doorway for a moment before asking in a calmer voice, "Where'd you go on your little field trip, huh? Where?... Did you both go see Mike?"

"He didn't see us." I respond.

"Yeah, Well, that mother and her daughter saw El and they called the cops. Now, did anyone else see either of you? Anyone at all? Come on, I need you to think!" Hopper shouts when we do not answer.

"Nobody saw us!" El retorts.

"You both put us in danger. You realize that, right?" Hopper explains.

"You promised... we go! And we never leave! Nothing ever happens!" I yell.

"Yeah! Nothing happens and you both stay safe!" Hopper slams his hand on our dresser. He holds his head in his hand.

"You lie!" El yells.

"I don't lie! I protect and I feed and I teach! and all I ask of you both is that you follow three simple rules. Three rules. And you know what? You can't even do that!"

After yelling, Hopper marches out of the room and El hits the door. Today has just been filled with too much.

"You're both grounded. You know what that means? It means no Eggos... no bacon... and no TV for a week."

Hopper is marching around the house taking the Eggos and bacon out. He moves to get the TV, but El uses her powers to keep it there.

"All right, knock it off. Let go." Hopper orders, but El shakes her head. Hopper tries again, but it remains in its place. "Okay. Two weeks." Hopper tries again. "Let go!" El shakes her head. "A month!"


Hopper takes a moment, before saying, "Well, congratulations. You just graduated from no TV for a month to no TV at all!"

And he ripped the cord of the TV.

"No!" El cries. "No! No. No!"

We rush to the TV, trying to fix it. This TV is the only thing that has kept us from going insane.

"You have got to understand that there are consequences to your actions."

"You are like Papa!" I shout, furiously.

"Really?" Hopper runs his fingers through his hair. "I'm like that psychotic son of a bitch? Wow! All right. Do you want to go back in the lab? You and El? One phone call. I can make that happen."

I freeze. He cannot do that. He cannot. He would not. Right?

"I hate you." El yells.

"Yeah, Well, I'm not so crazy about you two, either. You know why? 'Cause you're a brat. You know what that word means? How about that be your word for the day, huh? Brat. Why don't we look it up?" Hopper picks up the dictionary and starts leafing through it. "B-R-A-T. Brat."

Hopper tosses the book to us, but El catches it with her powers and sends it right back at him. Hopper hits it out of the way, before it could hit him in the face.

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