Season 2, Epilogue: 1 Month Later

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It has been a month since Jane closed the gate, and in that month a lot has happened.

To start off, I had passed out from exhaustion for a full day. Apparently, when I turned back, there was a lot of blood running from both parts of my nose, which has never happened before. Probably due to the multiple transformations and long time spent in those forms.

Hopper was mad that I went again his orders, but was very glad to see me doing better. Max and Jane never left my side while I was unconscious, except for the time when Max had to go home.

The wound on my side has also healed up, but it still remains sore.

To the great pleasure of Jane and I, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Max came over a lot more. Especially Mike.

Jane and I also got to meet Will for the first time, so that was nice. Hawkins Lab was shut down and Hopper legally adopted both Jane and I.

Also, after many annoyances, I told everyone how my real name was Claire and I did not like to be called Tina. Everyone was fine with it, even if the occasional slip-up happens.

But the best thing that happened was with Max. With Billy staying away from Max after we kinda terrified him, Max has a lot more freedom. We have started hanging out together.

Max showed me something that she calls a skateboard. She also showed me how to use it, but every time I try, I end up falling over. But we laugh, we joke, we have fun. Being around her is just different. I get nervous when she comes over, and every time she smiles or laughs, I cannot help but smile back.

We do all sorts of things with the party, but my favourite was a sleep over. Mike and Jane went to bed first, followed by Will and Dustin. Lucas stayed up a little longer, but soon he too fell asleep.

It was only Max and I left. We sat outside on the roof and just sat in silence. The stars twinkled above us, like glitter on a midnight background. And the moon, oh the moon. Big and bright, it lights the world like a lamp. The moon is like a giant space lamp.

Just then, I feel a weight leaning on my shoulder. Instinctively, I tense up, but I turn my head and see Max's blue eyes staring at my face as she leans on my shoulder. She turns back towards the sky.

Her eyes shine as the moon is reflexed in her eyes. They sparkle like the stars and a sense of calm washes over me. My body relaxes and I rest my head on hers.

But I am experiencing many new things. Feelings I have never felt, or never had the words to describe. Whatever the feeling Jane and Mike share, I feel it with Max. But I do not think she feels it with me. I think she feels it with Lucas.

It makes me feel sad. More than sad. Worse than sad. How else can you describe the feeling of sadness so great, it feels like a great big hole is opening underneath me?

How can I escape the ever growing hole beneath me?

Sometimes I just want to scream. I have so much feelings inside and no way to express it. I just want to scream out all my feelings, but that would be too loud. It would draw attention, attention we do not need.

I lay down on my side, putting my head in Max's lap. I softly groan in pleasure as Max runs her finger through my hair. My eyes flutter close and I sigh with contentment.

"Claire? How did you get them?" Max asks.

"Hmm?" I hum a response.

"Your scars?" Max clarifies. "How did you get them?"

"At the lab." I say, keeping my eyes on the moon.

"They gave you all those scars?" Max asks.

"Some, yes. Some, no." I say. "When I become dinosaur, for first time, body get scars. Sometimes they wanted me to change, but I could not. So they forced me too."

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