Chapter 11

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Chapter song: Right Thru Me by Nicki Minaj
(Val's pov)
Justin and I agree on ordering 1 pizza, half pineapple and half cheese.
"You seem annoyed."
Justin entertainingly points out.
"I'm not."
I'm just pretty grossed out that he always uses sex to get out of a situation.
"Are you jealous?"
He playfully nudges me.
"Hell, no."
I push him away with a slight smile.
"You sure?"
He moves in closer to me.
I roll my eyes again.
He doubtfully chuckles as our food arrives. I only eat slice, because I want to save the rest for later. After dinner, Justin hurriedly pulls me out the door.
"Where now?"
I step in his car and ask.
"Dessert time."
He grins then drives to the same smoothie place that we went to before. I order a mango banana smoothie. It's my favorite.
"The rain stopped."
Justin randomly points out after we sit at a table.
"That's good."
I smile affirmatively. That's good for me, because I don't have to sleep in inclement weather tonight.
"You're so pretty, you know?"
He smiles sexily at me. I reluctantly blush and roll my eyes to show him that I don't care. Suddenly, his plump, moist lips end up on mine out of nowhere. I'm too into the kiss to stop it. Why does he keep kissing me? It's not like we're dating.
"I should go. I'm tired."
I hesitantly break the kiss and stand up.
"Need a ride?"
He's obviously annoyed that I left the kiss hanging like that.
"No, I'm good."
I don't think he should know that I'm homeless.
"I don't want a ride, but thanks for offering."
I walk away, hurtful, hoping he doesn't follow. I walk fast, careful not to fall in these heels. Once I realize Justin isn't following, I take off my stubborn heels and head to my spot behind the corner store. Hopelessly, I sigh and step over a rain puddle.
"Hey, where do you think you're going, baby?"
Someone's behind me. I think it's Justin, but I turn around to see a tall guy with a cigarette in his hand. He's probably some stalker or something.
"Who are you?"
I ask uninterestedly.
"Let me give you a hint. You didn't show up for me the other night."
The guy steps closer for me to see his dark, ominous eyes. Seriousness is smeared all over his face.
"I told you I was sorry. Something came up."
I defend myself and look at him the same exact way.
"Of course, but we both know that that's not how it works in the business you're in. It's either fuck me or things get bad."
There are 4 other guys behind him. I step back nervously, preparing to run.
"Time for your punishment."
But he harshly grabs my arm and pulls me to him before I can do anything.
I'm about to scream when something complicates my breathing. I give it all I have, but he presses something over my mouth until I lose full consciousness.
I violently gasp awake to find myself on the floor in an unfamiliar room. I feel a deep heaviness in my chest and a mild headache. My hands are tied behind my back, and I'm merely in my top and bottoms again. I frantically look around for a sign. What's happening? There's a figure in the corner.
"It's about time."
An intimidating male voice speaks. It's the same guy who I supposedly skipped a ride with.
"What do you want?"
I glare coldly and grow pissed. Why is this such a big deal? It was just ONE night.
"First of all, you're mine now."
He step close, so I can see his bloodshot eyes. His hair is a deep black, and his jaw is clenched tight. He seems about my age, but maybe a year older.
"No, I'm not!"
I holler at him in anger.
"Listen here, bitch, you belong to me now. You do what I say, or I will make you suffer."
He aggressively grabs my face and hisses.
"Get away from me! You can't tell me what to do!"
I jerk away from him and shout angrily.
"If you don't obey and act like a good girl, I'll just have to get you pregnant. You do as I tell you, slave."
The guy threatens coldly with a word that makes my bones freeze. Slave?
"No, you can't do that! I'm a human being!"
I feel tears burning against my eyes. Don't cry. Don't cry.
"You're a whore, and if you tell anyone, you'll end up with a fucking child to care for."
He roughly slaps me, making me fall on the hard floor.
"You'll never own me! That's impossible."
I force myself not to cry, not to break.
(Warning: This part may be too graphic.)
"Prove it."
He forcefully yanks me to my knees and pulls his pants down.
"Stop! You can't do thi-"
"Shut up and suck me! Bite, and I'll beat the crap out of you!"
He literally makes me suck him, pulling my hair roughly, making me gag and choke on him. Tears are shed as he proves to take full ownership over me.
"Now, I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you."
The guy firmly presses me against the wall and rips my only garments off.
"Stop! Get away from me, you son of a bitch!"
Desperately, I squirm and grow the strength to kick him in the nuts.
"You're gonna regret that, bitch!"
He punches my face and stomach until I'm motionless, helpless; then he starts to rape me mercilessly. All I can do is cry and hope for it to stop.
This isn't fair! He can't force me into this! It's illegal! None of this is lawful! It's not supposed to happen! I don't even know the guy, and he's claiming me?! No fucking way! This can't happen. It just can't. I'll get myself out of this. I will. I have to.
(Justin's pov)
"Fuck, Justin! Right there, papi!"
The girl from the smoothie shop pleasurably screams. I took her home after Valerie left. I hated to see Val go, and I couldn't handle the lust.
As a result, I took home the Latina girl from the smoothie place and fucked her, hard.
"Oh shit, baby!"
I release myself in the condom then take myself out of her.
"Mm, we should do this more often."
She smiles as she lets me kiss her neck, staying still.
"I agree."
I smirk, feeling satisfied.
"I have a boyfriend, so I should get going, babe."
She starts to dress herself.
"Alright, see you sometime, baby."
I kiss her cheek before she limps her way out. I chuckle, feeling proud that I did her good. I pull on my boxers. Once she's gone, I collapse on the couch and try to catch my breath.
I need Val right now. How could she just walk off like that? It's so frustrating.
"Need some advice?"
Ryan walks in with Khalil and Za.
"For what?"
I close my eyes and continue to rest on the couch.
"On that chick, the one you're mad over."
Ryan's talking about Valerie. I'm not going mad over her.
"Go on."
I defeatedly sigh and listen.
"She's not in love with you, because all you do is fuck girls after girls everyday. Plus, she's a damn prostitute for gods sake."
Ryan gets himself some vanilla ice cream as he speaks. He better not get a drop on anything.
"I've fucked strippers before. I've fucked prostitutes before. What's wrong with her?"
I sit up and dare him to talk shit about Val.
"Nothing, nothing. I'm just saying that it's gonna be hard to get her when the both of you are fucking other people every night."
Ryan has a good point. How will this work? I'm having sex with different girls everyday while Val's fucking guys for money.
"I'll work on it. Don't make a mess."
I get up and tiredly head to bed. Damn, I didn't know this would be so frustrating. I thought I'd just fuck her then go on with my life but no.
Val is different, because she's not concerned if I exist or not. When I kiss her, I'm not doing it out of nowhere. I'm doing it, because I want her.
(Val's pov)
I'm shivering on the cold cement behind the corner store.
I went to hell last night, and it wasn't fun.
Apparently, I belong to some random guy that I don't even know. His name is Ben. He basically made me his property, and he threatened to get me pregnant if I didn't agree.
How is that possible? It's illegal here. I don't know what to do if this continues.
I have to get picked up by him every night for now on, master's orders. He's not my fucking master, and I'm not his fucking pet or sex slave. He treats me like I'm an animal. He uses me for sex and pleasure. He can do that himself.
The worst part is that I can't do shit. Getting pregnant would make my life a living hell. I can't have a baby and be expected to keep him/her alive as well as myself.
The guy even put this plastic band on my wrist that reads 3619. I'm not sure what it means, but I know it has something to do with me "belonging" to him. This is bullshit. All of it is just a huge joke. I can just call the cops. He can't get me pregnant if he's in jail. Wait, but then I'll go to jail too, because prostitution is illegal.
Fuck. All this fucking crap over ONE night? He's worse than Justin. Talk about being a control freak.

(A/N: Is it true that Justin has a new single called 'No Pressure' on November 6? Idk if I should freak out or not bc idk if it's true. Next post: Monday or Tuesday.)


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