Chapter 19

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Chapter song: High For This by The Weeknd
(Justin's pov)
Careful not to hurt her, I bring Val to my place and sit her on the couch.
"Val, what happened?"
I'm really worried about her. She called me crying and asked me to pick her up. Shamefully, I was in the middle of a fuck session. I had to kick the girl out to pick up Val.
"Ow, get me an ice pack."
She whimpers and takes off her shirt. That's when I see red, painful marks on her back.
"Shit! Valerie, what the hell?"
As I study the whole situation, I can't help but grow angry and solicitous.
"Get me an ice pack."
Still crying, she whimpers again. I hurry to the freezer and grab an ice pack. I also grab some bandage wrap and ointment.
"Let's go to the bedroom."
There are plenty of bedrooms downstairs. Val clings onto me carefully as we make our way to the bedroom, her arms around my neck.
"Lay down on your stomach, bae."
Being extremely cautious, I help her lay on the bed. I give her the ice pack for her to press against her swollen cheek.
"This might hurt a little."
Hovering over her body, I gently rub the ointment on her injured back. Val starts to whimper and wince painfully. She starts crying. Fuck.
"I'm sorry, baby."
Feeling guilty, I go ahead and get it over with; then I wrap her in the bandage wrap as careful as I can.
"Valerie, don't cry. I'm so sorry."
Holding her hand, I kneel down until I'm leveled to her tear-stained face.
"Baby, what happened?"
Gentle as possible, I dry her teary eyes. Theres a red mark on her cheek. Fucking hell.
"He hit me...with his belt. Justin, I don't know what to do."
Confessing hesitantly, she sobs into my hand.
"Where is he?"
I'm tired of seeing her in pain. It's not right.
"Justin, no-"
"Valerie, you're not safe-"
"I don't care about safety, Justin."
She cries sadly, soaking my hand with tears.
"Well, I do. I don't wanna see you hurting anymore. Now where is he?"
I have to raise my voice a little to get it through her head.
"I'm not answering that. You can kick me out, but I'm not telling you."
She sniffles stubbornly, rejecting my support.
"...I want you to get some sleep."
Tired of begging, I take the ice pack from her and brush her lavender hair away from her face. Val nods quietly and closes her eyes.
After turning off the lights I go to put the ice pack away, feeling too much anger and concern than I should. I hate this. Val shouldn't be suffering because of that asshole.
I give Val her space and sleep in the next door bedroom. It's not my room, but it's the farthest away from Val that I want to be. I'm a bit unsure of what to do about her. Somehow I've fabricated her to be mine, but I'm not the only one who owns her. It's not fair.
But it's completely fair, because I'm not exactly hers either. I have control of a bunch of other girls too.
Val seems to not care about what I do, yet she cares about me alone. She doesn't care if I fuck a girl right beside her. But if I'm having a shitty day, she'd come to console me. How is she ok with me fucking other girls?
Remembering last night, I stretch and run a hand through my messy hair. The shower is running from the adjacent bedroom. Val must be awake too.
"Excuse me. Can you make a few cinnamon waffles and some eggs for us?"
Thinking ahead, I call in breakfast for me and Val.
One of my maids accept. I would cook, but I don't know how. Up the stairs, I enter my room and change into red gym shorts. I skim a stick of peach deodorant under my arms. Don't judge me if I wear women's deodorant.
"Justin, do you have any Advil or something?"
Val walks into my room wearing just a bra and panties, hugging herself to keep warm.
"Yea baby. Here, put this on."
I generously hand her one of my white baggy shirts.
Putting it on, she smiles appreciatively. She looks adorable.
"How'd you feel?"
Shirtless, I take her hand and lead her downstairs.
"My back is sensitive."
She gently sits at the table.
"This will help you, darlin."
Taking her hand, I drop a couple Advils in her palm.
"I take it Val's living here now."
Ryan, Khalil, and Za walk in through the front door.
"No, I gave her my apartment building."
Sitting beside Val, I beam at them.
"That's a first."
Za chuckles as our breakfast arrives.
"You're so damn lazy, man."
Khalil sits on the couch along with the others.
"Hey, you know I can't cook."
I give Val her plate as she smiles at my excuse.
"I can't either."
On my side, Val smiles cutely.
"I know how. Maybe I can teach you guys."
Za turns on the tv and the volume up to 11. Shit.
My OCD fucking with my head, I mutter before getting up and grabbing the remote.
"Oh, sorry bro."
Khalil apologizes after I turn the volume to 12. Everything has to be even.
"What was that?"
Val gives me a curious look.
"Justin has OCD-"
"It's not that bad."
I glare at Za, who obviously can't keep his mouth shut.
"You do? Is that why everything's clean and neat?"
Val raises her dark eyebrows in curiosity.
This isn't the best topic to be on.
"Well, that explains why you don't make such a mess."
She sips from the cup of orange juice.
"What'd you think I did?"
Eyeing her lips, I give her a quizzical smirk.
"I don't know. Maybe trash the place with condoms then have your maids clean up everyday."
As a joke, she shrugs playfully.
All the guys crack up a little, including me.
"You're funny, babe."
I grin at her as we finish our breakfast.
"Hey, is it ok if we bring a few chicks over?"
Khalil asks as we head upstairs.
"You know the rules."
Giving them a strict glance, I remind them.
"Thanks man."
The rules are simple. All they have to do is keep everything exactly the way it is, clean and organized.
"What's something relaxing you like to do?"
I ask her when we enter my room again.
"Uhm...Relaxing? I like to...nevermind."
Shaking her head, she waves off her last thought.
"No, what were you gonna say, baby?"
Our legs touching, I move closer to her.
"You probably don't have any."
What is she talking about?
"Any what?"
I look at her eagerly.
She mumbles in a smirk. In that case, why didn't she just say so?
"Of course I have weed. I have access to any type of drug."
Happy to satisfy her, I motion Val to wait in my room while I walk downstairs.
"Hey Za, you've got anything on you?"
If anyone is to have any drugs on him/her, it'd be Za. He's my access to drugs if I need them. But that's not why I'm friends with him.
"Yea. Here."
Za knows my favorite, weed. I don't do it often, and it's the only drug I use besides nicotine or tobacco.
"Thanks bro."
Clutching the bag in my hands, I make my way back upstairs.
"So this is what relaxes you?"
When I return to my room, I grab the bong from my drawer and smirk at Val.
"I don't do it a lot. Plus, there's not much to do when my back hurts."
She reasons as I lead her into a different room and open the window. We don't want to set the fire alarm off.
"Get comfy."
Setting up the drug, I sit on the floor with a pillow behind my back, and so does Val.
"Ladies first."
I offer her the first drag. She smiles and delightfully takes the bong. Her lips turn me on as she sucks in the toxic yet pain-relieving smoke. I can just imagine the feeling of her lips on my dick.
"Your turn."
Exhaling smoke, she hands me the bong and I take a long drag as well, feeling the comfort diffuse through my lungs.
We each take turns inhaling, laughing at stupid things. My head buzzes and my senses get all weird.
"This feels sooo much better."
Val's words are slurring a little as we get higher. Higher by the minute, second, rising closer to the sky.
Val crawls over to me and moves my hands over her ass.
"You're sooo sexy."
Turning me on, she purrs in my ear as she takes off her shirt. I stare numbly at her breasts, covered by a black bra. They say marijuana gives you a strong sex drive. I can see why.
"Help yourself, baby."
She takes off her bra and shoves my face in her chest. I growl slightly while kissing and sucking on her.
"Mm, I looove youuu."
She giggles and raises my head to meet her lips. We're both too high to feel anything, physically or mentally.
Ugh, my fucking head. Ugh, my fucking back. My shirt's off and my zipper's undone. I think the weed's wearing off. Val's shirt is off and she's putting on her bra.
"You ok?"
Voice gravelly, I fix my pants and put on my shirt.
"Yea, I need another Advil."
Eyebrows furrowed, she rubs her head and hisses a little from her back.
"I'll get some for you. Come on."
After helping her up, I motion her to follow me downstairs and back to the couch. Za and the others are gone. They probably went to get lunch. It's about that time.
"Did we overdo it?"
Val pops the Advil in her mouth then sips from her water.
"Nah, we're fine. Let's watch a movie or something."
Tired and groggy, I chug down a glass of water.

(A/N: I'm so excited for Friday🎉 Next post is on Thursday)

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