Chapter 49

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Chapter song: The Birds pt.2 by The Weeknd
(Val's pov)
Once I slip into bed, my body suddenly feels at rest. Justin turns out the lights and crawls in beside me. He's wearing a shirt, so it covers the scratches on his back. I'm not sure I even want to touch him, because I don't know who's touched him recently. I don't trust him. There's no other way to put it.
"I love you Valerie."
Justin's breath touches my neck, giving my shivers.
"I love you too."
But I don't mean it, kinda. I've fallen in love with such an ambitious, dirty, disloyal man. For that, I regret ever meeting him. That's too harsh, but it's the solid truth.
However, I'd be lying if I said I don't want him. I don't need him, I know I don't need him. He's the last thing I could ever need. But I want him. I want him more than anything. I don't even know why.
(Justin's pov)
"Hey, Justin, bro."
Someone's shaking me at a whisper, and I flip open my eyes to see Ryan at my bedside.
Furrowing my eyebrows, I grumble tiredly.
"Yovanna's downstairs."
His tone of voice tells me that she's not leaving until she sees me.
This is the last thing I want to do at 7 in the morning. I'm mentally tired of arguing with myself over my feelings. I don't think I can innovate another reason to control myself. When I walk downstairs, Yovanna's sitting on my couch, and it messes with my sex drive. She's wearing black spandex shorts with a black top and a visible pink bra. Her ass entices my hands to fondle her, violate her, but I won't.
"Hey papi."
Damn, she called me papi. Her lips are smothered in pink lip gloss, and her big brown eyes are innocent.
"What do you want?"
Maybe if I sound disinterested she'll leave my dick alone.
"Oh, I just wanted to give you my number, in case you forgot it."
She extends her hand to me, a piece of paper in between her fingers.
"Uhm, thanks. Is that all?"
Reluctantly, I take it and realize that I'm in only my boxers. I also realize that her eyes quickly scan my body. In addition, I also realize that Ryan, Khalil, and Za are all eyeing Yovanna, specifically her ass. For some reason that makes me jealous.
"I also want to say that I'm sorry for last night. I got a little carried away."
Her shy giggles go extremely well with her innocent eyes. Glancing at my friends, I notice them smirk from the kitchen.
"It's ok baby. Uhm, I've got to go back to-"
"Ok. Goodbye papi."
Yovanna steps closer for a hug, so I don't hesitate to hug her. My hands somehow lower to her ass, creating a boner.
I grip her waist and pull her inside one of my bedrooms. As for my friends, I motion them to keep their mouths shut.
I swear, if she calls me that again, I'm gonna have to get the rope.
(Val's pov)
Justin's gone. I wonder where he went this time. I don't care. Instead, I decide to hop in the shower. My period is so fucking annoying. I can't be comfortable at all. My stomach cramps, my lower back hurts, and I feel like shit. On top of all this, Justin's made me an emotional wreck. Sometimes I wish he could see my pain. I wish he could comprehend  what he's doing to me. How would he like it if I only loved him for sex? It's not the best feeling in the world.
When I step out of the shower, I hear quiet whispers and shushing. My ear pressed to the bathroom door, I try to make out what's going on.
"No, take his card. We can use it quicker."
What's happening? I quickly put on Justin's oversized shirt, panties, and sweatpants before I open the door. I see Chantel and Jayde in Justin's room, looking through his stuff.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
I know what they're doing. They're looking for Justin's credit card, so they can have access to his money. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the situation.
"What does it look like, bitch?"
Chantel sasses me while opening one of Justin's drawers.
"Excuse me? Does Justin know you're here?"
I walk to the door and sass them back.
"He's downstairs, with Yovanna. Apparently, she's his only exception."
Jayde rolls her eyes; then she continues scouring through Justin's stuff. My stomach churns, wondering if Justin's really downstairs. Forgetting about Chantel and Jayde, I hurry down the stairs and study the room.
"Oh, hey Val."
Za pops up in front of me, smiling with friendliness.
"Hi. Have you seen Justin? Two girls are in his room."
Khalil and Ryan are walking up to me as well.
"Shit. They are? Uhm, Justin's not here right now. He's...He went to get you breakfast."
Za explains with a nervous glance at Ryan and Khalil; then I hear a thump down the hallway. Glancing at all three of them, I notice something's up. They're all skittish and panicky with a little guilt written in their expressions. I trudge down the hall, hearing another thump nearby.
"Hey Val, uhm, where'd you say those girls were?"
Ryan asks, but I don't pay any attention. As I move closer to the thumping noise, I hear a muffled moaning and panting. Face to face with a closed door, I realize that my heart is beating faster than usual.
A female voice moans, making my chest feel heavy. With my hand on the doorknob, I take the risk and open the door.
It's like I deliberately wanted to break my own heart, because seeing Justin fucking another girl surely hammered me to the ground.
"Fucking shit. Val, what are you doing here?"
Justin catches my eye and immediately pulls on his boxers.
"Maybe I should...go."
I've never seen something so terrible in my lifetime. Have I felt this before? It sure fucking kills me.
"Valerie. Don't. Please. I'm sorry."
But I can't give myself a reason to believe, forgive him this time. It's bad enough to hear him fucking someone else. I couldn't ever imagine seeing him doing it.
"Papi, I think I should go. Don't forget to call me."
Yovanna dresses herself and kisses Justin's cheek on her way out. She gives me a victorious smirk as she struts past my heartbroken self.
"Dammit. Valerie, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. Baby..."
He grabs my waist, but I harshly push him, almost falling over.
"Not this time, Justin. You're an idiot to think I'd ever stay with such a-a-a whore like you! I actually thought you cared about me. How could you do this? Was I not enough?"
Tears are pleading to fall, and I have no choice but to let them free.
"Val, don't cry. I'm sorry. Baby, come here."
Justin begs me with his eyes all sorrowful. Bullshit.
"No! You hurt me, and I don't think I should stay here any more."
Shaking my head, I head out of the room.
"Valerie, wait. Where are you going?"
Justin surely follows me with his voice full of regret. More bullshit.
"I'm leaving, dumbass. What does it look like?"
My mind's hunting for a solution to this, but all I can think of is leaving Justin. Leave Justin. Right now, I don't care what happens next. I just wanna run away.
"Valerie. Baby, don't go. Please, don't leave me. I need you. Listen—I need you."
Justin grips my hand and pleads to me, tugging me against his bare chest.
"Let go of me."
I hiss coldly at him, trying to avoid his sweaty forehead and dampened hair.
"Valerie. Please. I'm sorry."
Breathing against me, Justin begs with his eyes full of regret. For a second I consider surrendering to him, but I can't do this anymore. I'm sick of being treated like a toy.
"Bye Justin."
I push myself away from his half-naked body and step out his front door, shutting it behind me. Then before he can come back after me, I start running, despite my bare feet.
I hear Justin's voice from afar, realizing how far I've run. I don't feel anything. Justin's not meant for me. Nobody is.

(A/N: Late post. My bad😁 btw I'm posting another one of those Deadly in Love episodes for New Years Eve. So next post for Nowhere is on Saturday)

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