Castle Dimitrescu

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María has been here for a few months, she's has gotten to known all the maidens, and she's met Lady Dimitrescu's daughters who are...Cassandra, Bela, and Daniela.
Who by the Daniela is fond towards María, when she helped Daniela when she fell from a latter in the library! Daniela comes up behind her and jumps scares her.

"Hello María!" Daniela said as she giggle and hugs her.

"My goodness Lady Daniela, it's quite fun that you enjoy scary me but this is like a sixth time...and I should've realize!" María giggle as she hugs Daniela back!

"Do you want to go picking flowers with me tomorrow? I know it's your day off, I want to give something sweet to my Mother!" Daniela said as she gives María a semi creepy puppy eyes with her bloody smile!

As soon as María held of Lady Dimitrescu, she had to do it! She nodded her head for yes, as Daniela shrieks with joy! She like Daniela, and she very fond with her mother!

"THANK YOU MARÍA!" She said and disappears.

She continues cleaning until her break came. María sits in the kitchen and has a small piece of bread with slice of meat, then her two friends Liv and Selena came, and cook for the family!

"Hey María, taken a break?" Liv said as she get the utensils ready.

"Yes, but it's short break!" María said, "I have to clean the library next!" She said as she cracks her body!

"We'll see you later for dinner?" Selena asked as María nodded her head for yes.

As she get up and heads to the library as usual she starts to clean, María is fascinated with lady Dimitrescu's book collections! As she cleans one of the shelves, she sees one book that she's always dreamt of reading, she stops and looks, it was Ochii Fumusetii (The Eyes Of Beauty) by Saint María Treea.

"She has this book!" María whispers to herself, "I haven't read this one yet!" she added, then all of a sudden she smells lavender...

"Hello Maiden!" A soft angelic voice came behind her.

María sees a dark figure, as it holds a candle. She realizes it's her boss, the lady of the castle and the women that María is fond for since arriving here!

"M'Lady Dimitrescu, I apologize I thought this library was empty!" María bows her head while she still looks at the ground.

"Maiden, may I ask how you know Ochii Fumusetii by Saint María Treea, are you a fan of her books?" Lady Dimitrescu walks to you.
María felt her heart racing, legs feeling weaken as she want to collapse into Lady Dimitrescu arms!

"Yes M'Lady, I've read all of her books, and actually I've been looking for this one book fo so long!" María said as she still had her head down.

"You can look up...Maiden! Lady Dimitrescu demanded!

As María looks at her, she sees Lady Dimitrescu beautiful white silk dress as it was semi see through, her black leather gloves, her black sun hat that she always wears and finally her beautiful fully red lips. She felt lost by her beauty as everything around her felt frozen!

"Maiden! Use your words!" Lady Dimitrescu said, as María snaps back from the frozen time

"I'm sorry M'Lady, I got distracted for a second..." María bites her inside of her gums.

"Distracted by what maiden!?" She glares down at her.

"Umm M'Lady, I got distracted by!" María said as she felt her stomach twisted and turned as she just complemented with her!

She stands back up with a surprise look and she walks away.
María felt a small fear but pleasurable feeling, María  wasn't sure if her words made lady Dimitrescu uncomfortable or freaked out!
Now she's worries by the next couple of hours if she was going to turn into wine...

María quickly finish cleaning and headed towards the next room, but she sees Susie, the head maiden of Lady Dimitrescu standing outside of the door!

"Do you wanna explain, lowlife piece of shit!?" Susie said as she pins María to the wall

"What do you mean?" María chokes as Susie was hurting her!

"Call Lady!" She said, Maria looks into Susie's eyes and sees flames of anger!

"Is it call her that!? I...was...being nice!" María was choking but she felt Susie's hands gripping her throat.

"Nobody is going to talk to her in that way! As you head maiden I have the right to—" Susie gets caught off by Cassandra

"LITTLE PET! SUSIE!!" Cassandra voice echos the hallways! Susie glance over and she quickly drops María as she was gasping for air...

"Lady Cassandra...I caught her stealing something!" Susie lies.

"What was she supposedly stealing?" Cassandra said, "Because I saw you choking her for no reason!" She added as she takes out her dagger!

"It's the truth!" Susie backs up, Cassandra glances at María as she was still coughing!

"SISTERS!" Cassandra yells as they appeared in front of her.

"María! Are you okay!" Daniela kneels down as she picks her up! Daniela gasp after seeing the bruises already forming around her neck!

"I'll take Susie to mother's room and you both take care of María!" Cassandra said as she grips Susie by the hair.

Half hour goes, Bela and Daniela took care of María as she was trying to speak!

"She...hates me!" Maria's voice was scratching after the choking session!

"It's okay María, our Mother will take care of her! Now take the rest of the night off! You need to rest!" Bela said as Daniela agreed!

"!!" She said quietly, they told you not to talk for a little bit, she closes her eyes and falls asleep! You dream of your family and other things, like Lady Dimitrescu...

"Marí mother will like to speak too you!" Daniela walks her up! She opens her eyes and sees the time as it was 4:30 in the morning! She gets up and walks with Daniela. She sees Cassandra and Bela walking with Susies body as she had bite marks and cuts from whips.

"Mother, María is here!" Daniela said as she walks out and closes the door behind María.

"Hello María, I can see that Susie did a number on your neck!" Lady Dimitrescu said, "Come sit here dear!" As pats her leg to María! She nods so quick and proceeds to wait for Lady Dimitrescu to ask her!

"Dear, I want to hear your side of your story!" Lady Dimitrescu asked.

"She...said I shouldn' you beauty! Which...I'm sorry...if I made you...feel uncomfortable!" María said as coughs and rubs her throats.

"You shouldn't say your sorry, I thought it was very faltering!" She smiles at her! María's heart was beating fast as Lady Dimitrescu leans in and takes in her scent!

"Do I make you frightened dear? I hear your heart beating fast!" She leans in closer as María felt this pleasure of obeying her!

"No...M' don't.." María coughs as Lady Dimitrescu hands her a bottle of medicine. She was shocked with her response...

"Drink dear, it will help!" She said as María takes the bottle..

"'Lady!" María drinks as she feel the medication soothing her throat and healing the pain!

"Now..."She gently grips María's chin and pulls her in by her hips, as María felt lost in Lady Dimitrescu eyes! "How about I taste your blood dear..." she smiles evilly....

I hope you guys like this new book of María and Lady Dimitrescu!!

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