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Alcina rolls over and sees María still lying there in bed. She moves closer and pulls herself towards María as she kisses her shoulder. Alcina sees María was already awake just staring into space.

"Am I forgiven Draga Mea?" She asked as María sits up and turns around as she cups Alcina's cheeks and kisses her!

"No...what we did last night was one of your punishments for killing my father" María said as she got up and started to get dress! "And the other punishment is for throwing me towards the nightstand and making me bleed!" She added.

"What is my second punishment?" Alcina sits and begins to cry

"Oh, mi amor this is your second leaving you right now! You still have time to think about what you did!" María leaves and slams the door!

Alcina had this anger already building up as she puts on her robe and heads to the door.
She was about to walk out as she sees María standing, there just looking at her!

"So my second punishment is you leaving me in the room in pain and slamming the door?!" Alcina wipes her tears away!

"Yes that's it and did you at-least learn something from the past couple days?" María ask, Alcina kneels down to eye level with her!

"Yes, that I should listen to you and not let my anger and thoughts get in the way and destroy something that you tell me not too destroy...I'm sorry...I really am!" Alcina cry's, she feels María's arms wrapping around her neck!

"You've learned your lesson! Just know that I truly do care for you, like you've been caring for me. It's going to take time to process this and we should take it slow, okay?!" María told her "And now come on let's get you washed up, you smell horrible...worse than the wine cellar!" She added as she smiles and even Alcina couldn't hide her smile as she agrees to the bathing.

As both them got in. Maria was washing Alcina's hair, kissing her neck while holding her tightly. As they both agree to new terms and new rules for their relationship...

"I love you María..." Alcina said as she looks back at her, María smiles and she even starts to cry!

"I love you too Alcina, no matter what!!" María holds her as they laid there for awhile. Then both of them eventually got out, got dressed and headed out the door.

The daughters saw them coming out as they knew that María and their mother somehow made up! As everyone went down to the dining room and ate breakfast, the girls wanted to do training outside but it was raining still!
So they did the training inside as María and Alcina watched them practice.


Few hours went by as María and Alcina both walked around, they both heard the front doors open and they rushed to it as they seen Mother Miranda standing there.

"This is unexpected...may ask what you're doing?" Alcina said as she crosses her arms together!

"Oh I just came to collect a gift that was promise to me the other day from you!" Miranda said.

"What I don't remember talking to you about a gift!" Alcina said with a tone voice.

"So this letter with your signature and your family crest waxed onto it, stating sold me...María!" Miranda shows both of them the letter as it was written in Alcina's handwriting, "You don't remember when you came to my home, drunk like a sailor...also stating that María was quote 'A ruthless, brat, who's a bitch!' end quote, does that ring a bell Alcina!" She added

"María!" Alcina looks as María was hurt....

"YOU DID WHAT?!" María shouted, as she looks at Miranda, who handed her the letter of the agreement.

"So is that where you were at that one day as Daniela told me!" She backs away, "You sold me to Miranda, after we just talked about new rules and shit...that's how you gonna do that to me? Then fine...Mother Miranda give me sometime to pack!" María glares at Alcina as she left her sight...

"I'll meet you outside María!" Miranda walks out.

María runs fast as she didn't want to see Alcina, as she shuts the door as she heard Alcina shouting at her! María was already hurting while packing.

"Please...I was drunk and hurt...I swear I didn't mean too!" Alcina cry's outside the door as she sees the door open.

"It's doesn't matter should've remembered that day when that shit happened! We're done...Good luck explaining this to your daughters that their only best now going to living Miranda!" María cries as she pushes Alcina out of the way!

"Please I'll talk to her! Maybe I can work something out with—" she gets cut off!

"YOUVE DONE ENOUGH ALCINA!! ITS OVER...GOODBYE!" María storms down the stairs.

María sees the girls were caring Betty's body as she was out!

"What happened to Betty? María said

"Well Daniela was going through her room, she found letters between your father and her!" Bela said, "Apparently she was the one that told him that you were living here! So we're going to take her to the cellar and you know..." she added

"Why are your things packed?" Cassandra asked!

Daniela was confused and concerned after they were better and now it turned around!

"Go ask your mother, she's one that fucking did!" María quickly gives all three of them tight hug as she leaves.

As Maria makes it to the door, she looks back one more time as she sees the girl standing there and Alcina walking up behind them...

María doesn't say a word as she walks towards Miranda's carriage and she places her bag in the back.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to the daughters and everyone?" Miranda said.

"I already said my goodbyes...can we just go!" María looks away as carriage starts to move!
Alcina stares at the carriage as it disappears from her sight.

"It's okay little dove, you're going to have a new life with me!" Miranda grips her jawline and places her lips onto hers.
María pulls herself away as she was shocked that Miranda did that!

"I've always wanted to do that since I met you at the dinner event!" Miranda makes María's legs spread apart as she slides her hand into María's pants...

"!" María begs as she was already hurting from Alcina and now hurting from this new pleasure...

"Fine, but tonight you and I are going to fuck...until the sun comes up! Do I make myself clear...little dove?" As Miranda smiles at her...

"Yes...Miranda!" María felt her throat getting tighter!

"Yes...what!" Miranda licks her lips, as she awaits for the correct response!

"Yes...Mistress!" María whispers quietly to her...

Sorry y'all I had to do it...I hope you guys like this! I'm sorry if I keep messing with y'all's emotions and shit! See you guys in the next one...

Yes...Mistress! X Lady DimitrescuWhere stories live. Discover now