Meeting Mother Miranda PT:2

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As María catches her breathing and it's a steady, Alcina didn't want to let go of her! Both of their eyes met they felt lost in time, María kissed her lips as Alcina hold her tightly.....

"I think we should leave, Alcina, my gut is telling me that Miranda and the lords are waiting!" Maria glances at her eyes still!

"I think that's a great idea!" Alcina slowly drops her as she washes her hand.

"Thank you again mistress, we should've done it before the guest arrived, but I wanted to tease you a little bit!"María bites her bottom lip.

"Don't worry dear, I'm getting used to this new teasing thing! Just wait for later!" Alcina chuckles. María sees her neck as it's healing from the bite mark and she was fixing her pants as well! Both of them headed back too the dinner room!

"Sorry everyone, María wasn't feeling good but I gave her some medicine and she feeling alittle better!"

"hope you feel good...María!" Moreau said as he walks to her.

"I'm feeling better, thank you Lord Moreau!" Maria said as she gives him a hug and kiss on the cheek!

"Where's mine?!" Karl Heisenberg chuckles as he leans back waiting for his hug and kiss!

"You Man Child! She doesn't like you!" Alcina hissed! María chuckles over Alcinas response!

"Come on, you always get all the good maidens, and all I have is two! I wouldn't mind if she joins my home state!" Heisenberg chuckles.

"Karl...María came here...she didn't...go too yours!" Donna Beneviento said quietly! As Angie Beneviento starts laughing!

"YOU GOT BURN!" Angie said.

"Everyone...I would actually want to talk too María, if that's okay by you, Alcina!" Mother Miranda said.

It was an awkward for a moment but she agreed. Mother Miranda gets up and walks towards María, as María looks at her...all she can see is her throat being slit by Miranda but she proceeds to remain calm!

"Mother Miranda!" María bows to her as they both exit out of the dining room.......

"So María, how did you find your way to be Alcina's?" Mother Miranda asked.

"Well, I ran away from my home! My father wanted me to marry someone who was two or three times older then me, I was 13 at the time!" María told her, "As I been told from father is still looking for me! Even though I'm in a different part of the country!" She added!

"Where did you come from if you're not from here?" She questioned her as both of them stopped.

"I'm actually from Madrid, Spain!" María told her.

"You heard from villagers here...that your father is looking for you all the way from Spain! That's where the royal family lives, The Borbóns, as I've been told that the royal princess is missing!" Miranda looks at her.

"Yea...that's what I've been told!" Maria starts scratching her hand on the side as she was getting nervous. Mother Miranda notices and grips María's hands!

"You can tell me, I can see you're scratching your hand and I can sense your heart beating're hiding something, and I'm not gonna tell Alcina!" Miranda said she smiles at her!

Maria was very hesitant at first but she couldn't lie! It wasn't in her nature to lie too anybody!

"My last name isn't Gonzá's actually...Borbó full name is María Letizia Borbón!" She said as she begins to tear up!
Mother Miranda was shocked by the sense that María was telling the truth, Miranda sees through her hands...her memories from her past!

"How old are you now!?" Miranda asked as she slowly brings her in for a hug. María thought that was strange...but she needed a hug.

"I'm twenty, I've been living here in the village for eight years, and then I needed a job I came here to work!" María wipes away her tears!

"It's okay little dove! You are now under protection of mine...Alcina's and the other lords!" Miranda gently kisses Maria's cheek for comfort! Maria thought that was a little more strange that she did that...

"Thank you Mother Miranda! Bless you!" María pulls away as they continued walking.

"You had every right to run away, what your father was doing was wrong and disgusting!" Miranda said, "If I saw him doing that in front of me...I would've killed him!" She chuckled.

"The reason why he did it is because I had my red blossom for the first time and also the fact that I am the firstborn child!" María said, "But I do have a little brother named Leo, he's always dreamt of being the greatest king and I never wanted to be queen!" She added

"And that's okay, you choose your own destiny, and you live your life...little dove!" Miranda said to her

Mother Miranda keeps looking at María up-and-down as she smiles and listens to her talk!

*She is perfect...she's strong and she's extremely kind...I wonder why Alcina kept her away from me...she's a true gem!* Miranda thought to herself.

"I'm sorry Mother Miranda if I keep rattling on..." María looks at her, as Miranda felt lost by her beauty and she could listen to her all day!

"You're perfectly fine, little dove! It's nice talking to someone! If you need to talk to someone, just pray to me and I'll talk to you! If you need some advice..." Miranda said softly....

As both of them still walked around through the halls, they eventually made it to the main doors, where everyone was gathered as they were about to leave!

"Miranda and María...I hope the talk was very good!" Alcina said as she stood next to María.

"Indeed Alcina, she's a true gem...the rarest of them all! María just remember if you need to talk just pray..." Miranda bowed as she walks out with the other lords!

As the doors closed, Alcina looks down at María as she just smiles normally.

"What type of talk did you both have!" Alcina asked,

"Just normal topics, how long I've been working here, why I chose to work here, and other things!" María said to to her.

"I see, well then..." Alcina quickly picks up María in a bridal style as she shrieks in laughter, and Alcina carries her to the bedroom!

"Punishment time?" María pretends to sound scared!

"Yes Draga Mea, five spanks, one was leaving my grip in the bedroom, two was disobeying me in the bedroom, three was telling me to wait after dinner!"Alcina said, "Four is biting your lip during the event in-front of everyone, and five will be saying fuck out loud during our bathroom session!" Alcina said, "Is that fair or should I add five more?" She leans her head down while looking at María.

"I think you should do..." Maria jumps out of her arms and runs the bedroom, "Five more!" She added.

"Oh—little're going to get...HARD! Alcina smiles as she chases after her!

"Try to catch me!" María giggles as she makes it to the bedroom, she sees Alcina walking fast...

"You like it don't you!? When I disobey in a fun way?!" María said as Alcina grips the back of her hair!

"Yes Draga Mea, it's quite fun, you're better than Susie!" She pushes María into the bedroom, where punishment awaits...

I hope this chapter is very good as you guys read this! How do you feel and think about Mother Miranda liking María! What a new twist on María's past of royal family...

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