Call me Mistress!

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As María was on her knees,  Alcina sits up very quickly and sees as María as she did that. Now María has fully caught her attention, she looks up and sees Alcina kneeling down. Caressing María's chin, her eyes got heavy as she smells Alcina's perfume of lavender!

"You're willing to do anything!?" She said as she sniffs María again..

"Yes...Anything!" María whispers quietly.

"Take off your clothes! Slowly, I want to enjoy this moment!" Alcina whispers as she steps back, "Stand up when you do it!" She added

Which María obeys, she gets up and slowly undresses herself as she still makes eye contact with Alcina. Her eyes began to go from grayish blue to golden ember color...

As María stood there as she was fully naked, Alcina walks around her and she examines Maria's perfect, beautiful, soft body. She stood right behind her and she leans down into her ear once again!

"Call me...Mistress!" Alcina grabs the back of her hair, María moans as she was feeling Alcina's grip!

"YES—MISTRESS!" María grips her own fits, as she was feeling the rush of Alcina's power!

Alcina walks María over to her bed, as she kissed her lips. María feels weaken as she finally tastes Alcina lips...

"I'm going to make you MINE!" Alcina growls as she tells María to undress her. She does quickly, as the dress falls to the ground and Alcina's pushes María to the bed.

As Alcina bites her neck, María grips the bedsheets!

"Beg for me...little pet!" Alcina pulls herself away gasping for air, and María looks at her beautiful body.

"PLEASE MISTRESS...I BEG YOU!! FUCK ME!" María cry's as she feels her Mistress fingers inside of her!

"Good girl!" She thrust her fingers deeper inside of María.

"HARDER! PLEASE!" María whimpers.

Alcina eyes widen more and she knew she made the correct choice of choosing María.

Alcina slows down the pace as María breath was hard and thick! She gets up goes to her vanity closet and brings out a strap-on.

"Get on your fours and don't move!" She tells María as she listened very well!

Alcina climbs onto the bed and pulls María's hips, as she slowly enters her area, as she proceeds to fuck hard and long!

"YES—MISTRESS!!" María begs as she grinds her hips onto Alcina!

Alcina was surprise that María was enjoying this, she leans down towards her!

"WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO STOP?!" Alcina bites down on María's back.

"DON'T STOP MISTRESS!!" María gasp as she feels the bite and the toy hitting every spot inside her walls. María lays her upper body down onto the bed, as she places her arms behind her back!

"GOOD LITTLE PET! YOU'RE THE ONE FOR ME!!" Alcina moans and growls as she scratches María's back with her nails.
She holds her wrists together as she was thrusting her again and again!

Alcina pulls María up to her body! They both knew they were about to come...

"I DON'T WANNA COME—YET! MISTRESS!!" María begs, Alcina smiles down at her.

"THEN DON'T!" She still thrust inside of her as she bites on the other side of María's neck!

She moans so deeply as Maria slithers her way out of Alcina's teeth and grip as she pulls her down.

"CHOKE ME PLEASE!" María whispers into Alcina's ear!

"I thought you didn't like choking!" She quickly slows down the thrust.

"Susie—did it wrong—AAAHH! This is what I really like!" María takes her Mistress hand and put it where she likes to be choked, without cutting oxygen support!

"THIS IS GOING TO BE VERY INTERESTING WITH YOU, DRAGA MEA!" She grips her neck perfectly as she process to fuck María harder.
Alcina felt her's legs wrapping around her hips, as María pulls her close to her body!!

"NOW—IM READY TO COME—IF YOU LIKE MISTRESS!" She looks into her eyes!
Alcina finally find someone that's enjoying this more then herself!

"COME FOR ME! LOOK INTO MY EYES!" She demand, Marie looked into her eyes and she wanted to kiss her.
Alcina read her mind as she kisses her. Then the Ecstasy came...María's back arch pressing against her Mistress body.

She moans into Alcina mouth. María felt this pleasure and pain mixed together, she needed's like a drug she enjoys so much!
Alcina holds María's very close, against her body as she came too...

As they both lay there in the position, looking into each others eyes. All María wanted to do is just stay in this moment as she always dreamt of being in!

Alcina kisses her forehead, gets out of the bed and walks to her bathroom as she was running some water in the sink!

María lies there paralyzed, after the intense sex she just went through, all she does is just smile. She felt warm and happy, then Alcina comes back places the toy back into her vanity closet!

"Thank you, Mistress!" María said, as she try's gets up.

"Don't move, I want to cuddle with you!" Alcina lays in the bed pulls María close to her body as she was caressing her hair!

"You've been a wonderful, Maria, I've never had a maiden desperately want me that badly!" Alcina kisses the top of her head! "I think...I'm going to keep you!" She added

"I've always liked someone dominating me in the bedroom, especially powerful people like you! I do have a couple tricks up my sleeves, which might surprise you!" Maria giggles!

"Oh really Draga Mea...maybe you can tell me what you like and don't like!" She pulls María up closer to her body.

"Maybe next time Mistress Alcina!" María said as she cuddles with her! Alcina begins humming as María's eyes we're getting heavier and she drifted away into lumber world......

"How did I miss you when you came here few months ago!?" Alcina whispers quietly as she inhales from her cigarette.

Alcina sees the bite and claw marks vanishing so quickly by a blink of an eye. She puts out for cigarettes and sits on the bed as she examines María's back!

"How are they vanishing that quick!" Alcina whispers...

"Mmhh...oh hello Alcina!" María wakes up as she sees her, "Is everything okay?" She added!

"Your marks...they're disappearing! How is that possible!" Alcina places her hands onto María's back!

"Oh I have a gift of self healing...apparently, I've always known since I was a little kid!" María said as she laid on her stomach!

"But that's different Draga Mea, I wanna try something if you give me your consent!" Alcina looks into María's eyes!

"I give you my consent...Alcina!" María added

Alcina decided to use one of her nails to make a small cut down on María's side. It was bleeding slowly! She stops and sees María's back already healing. The bleeding had stopped as the scar was slowly fading away!

"Incredible!" As she kisses the mark!

Alcina gets up and heads towards the bathroom to run some water as she calls María in!
As she gets up and sees Miranda...she froze for a second, she closes her eyes and shakes her head. She opens them once more and Miranda was gone...

Sorry for the semi-smut story! There's more to come, I swear! What do you think María is seeing Mother Miranda, I want to see your theory's!

Yes...Mistress! X Lady DimitrescuWhere stories live. Discover now