Dinner Party

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Three months go by, Alcina hasn't heard anything back from Miranda nor María. She's already been depressed after everything, she hasn't been the same.

"Mother, it's Miranda she's on the phone in your study room!" Cassandra said as she sees her Mother going numb then ever.

"Okay, thank you daughter!" She said in a monotone voice!

Cassandra nods her head as she leaves the bedroom, Alcina walks to the study room, and she takes a deep breath as she answers the call!

"Mother Miranda" Alcina said.

"Alcina, it's me...María, she asked me to call the lords and tell them that night, Miranda will be hosting a dinner at her place at seven!" María said

"María! Is she treating you good? Are you save and okay?" Alcina quickly asked she was playing with the phone cord trying to talk to her!

"I'm good...she's okay...listen I have to go!" María hangs up the call, Alcina didn't want it to end

"What is Miranda doing to you?!" Alcina said as she throws her desk across the room!

Few hours went by Alcina got ready, as she puts on lavender but she hasn't worn since María left!

She wears a different dress that Donna made for her before María came into her life! Which was a long slim spaghetti straps dress with a cut length on the right side of the leg.

"You look beautiful Mother!" Cassandra and the other two came in and agreed!

"Thank you daughters, should I put my hair up or natural down?" She asked them!

"Down!" All three of them said at once.

Alcina giggles as she unclips her hair and lets it flow down as she looks at herself in the mirror!

"Are you going to try to get María back?" Daniela said, Alcina reminds them that María is with Miranda now...she gives all three of them kisses and heads out the door.

As soon as Alcina arrives to Miranda's place, she takes a deep breath and walks inside!
She sees Donna and Angie plus Moreau waiting as Heisenberg walks behind her.

"Hey Alcina, you look...nice!" Heisenberg said as he nods his head as he sees the rest of them!

"Welcome everyone, let's have this lovely event!" Miranda acted differently as everyone looked at each other.
As Alcina sat where her name was located...she was right next to Heisenberg, as he was next to Miranda.

"So why did you make María call us?!" Karl asked as he took a drink!

"I was busy with the maidens so I asked my partner to help me!" She said as she smiles!

"Partner? You mean María?" Heisenberg said as he glances at Alcina, "Wasn't María with you Alcina!" He added.

Alcina chokes on her drink, as she try's to think of a response!

"She was with me but it's a long story Heisenberg!" Alcina drinks again!

"Little dove, would you mind bring us some starters for the dinner!" Miranda asked as Alcina looks behind her.

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