The Nine Wing Women

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"I haven't tasted your blood yet! I made a list of new maidens that come in and work for me!" Lady Dimitrescu said.

"You may drink, M'Lady!!" María moves her hair and shoulder cover of giving her Lady a clear view of her neck.

"My, My, you obeying so easily! Beside I don't want to bite your neck, since it's still healing from the choking indecent..." Lady Dimitrescu said as she takes María's wrist!
She opens her mouth as her teeth sinks them into her wrist, Lady Dimitrescu eyes widen as she tastes her blood, as she hold María close!

*my goodness...her teeth are sharp as hell! But I like it...why does she make me feel this way!* María thought to herself.

Maria accidentally lets out a small moan as Lady Dimitrescu looks as she pulls herself up gasping for air!

"Dear...your blood is divine...very rich and smooth!" Lady Dimitrescu sees María, as she passes out from the amount of blood that Lady Dimitrescu took!


Then María was in a room with Lady Dimitrescu, as her Lady was in the bedroom in black lingerie and she sees herself sitting on the floor, obeying every command.

"Do you want me to touch you...María?" Lady Dimitrescu purrs at you.

"Yes!" María said as her body felt hot and shaking!

"Yes...what...little pet?" She pulls Maria's hair back.

"Yes...Mistress...touch me!" María bites her bottom lip, Lady Dimitrescu kisses her as she moans harder...she didn't want this dream to end, then María sees another women, with black nine wings and a mask, she approaches to Maria and slits her throat..

María wake up as she grabs her throat, panting from the nightmare. She shook her head trying to get the bird lady out of her head. Then she looks up and sees Lady Dimitrescu sitting in a chair.

"Nightmare or a interesting dream?!" She smiles as she walks and sits to María.

"What do you mean by that...M'Lady!" Maria said and gulps.

"Well when you were sleeping, you made very fascinating sounds...which caught my eyes!" Lady Dimitrescu smiles as she caresses Maria's hair.

"I'm sorry M'Lady, if I made weird sounds, the other maidens told me I talk in my sleep, when I'm super tired!" She gulps again

"Was this dream...about me!" She semi flirts with María as she moves back slowly.

"Umm...yes and also—" María gets caught off

"How wonderful! Maybe you care to explain...tell me every detail!" Her eyes widened as she smiles at her.

"Well...I actually saw a nine wing in this room with you and me!" María said, "You were...umm...talking to me and this woman approached...and she slit my throat!" She added.

"A nine wing women! Did she have a mask and a halo behind her back?" Lady Dimitrescu ask her, as María's throat was getting dryer by the second.

"Yes...she did!" María said, making her way off the bed. Lady Dimitrescu grabs her hand and slightly tightens it!

"M'Lady...did I do something wrong!? I swear by your daughters names I wouldn't do something wrong. I know you like things to be perfect and—" María gets cut off again!

"No, dear is not your fault! You can leave!" She said, "Daniela told me yesterday that you two are going to be going out to get some flowers since it is your day off!" She added. María nods her head and leaves and she sees Daniela!

Yes...Mistress! X Lady DimitrescuWhere stories live. Discover now