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"Charles! Where are you?" Martín yells throughout the halls.  Alcina comes out as she looks for María and her daughters!

"Martín..."Alcina passes without looking at him! He stops her and asked her somethings!

"Why were you in the bed with my daughter?" He asked, she stops and turns towards him.

"Your daughter and I had an agreement on somethings...that is it!" Alcina turns away...

"She's likes you! I saw it yesterday when you and her looked at each other!!" He yells, "Its disgusting!" He added as Alcina leans down as she was eye level with him!

"You know what's more disgusting...You giving away your 13-year-old daughter to a man who's two or three times older than her! All because she blossomed for the first time!" Alcina snaps back him!

"It's my duty to make sure she is ready for the throne!" He told her. She extended her claws out and she was about to kill him but then Maria comes in again.

"STOP ALCINA!" María stand between her and her father!

"Draga Mea, remember what I said yesterday!" She growls as she took another step closer!

"You're fucking a monster! Who abuses you!" Martín shouted...

"ENOUGH! LET ME TALK TOO MY FATHER ALONE...AND THE GIRLS ARE LOOKING FOR YOU!" She shouted at Alcina, as she walks away pissed off!

"Father... I'm happy here, I never wanted to get married, nor wanted to be queen" she said, "I am sorry if that hurts your feelings, but I think Leo will be the greatest king I've ever seen!" María added as she hands him the letter from Charles.

"What is this...María!" As he takes the letter!

"One of the maidens found it and apparently Charles left sometime after the incident in the bedroom!" María told him

He reads it and was shocked Charles left him behind! He looks at her, he imagines his first and only wife, who was strong, powerful and opened minded as well as caring for people she loved!

"I'm sorry...what.... Alcina said was true...when I try to force you to marry Charles, it was wrong and disgusting!" He said, as he slowly walks towards her and gives her a hug.

"It's okay papá, I just wanted to be free and live how mamá wanted me too!" She cries into his chest as he holds her tightly.

"I hope you find true love, if you want to stay here you can..." He let's go as he walks away...

*He's lying María...he's going to send an army to the village and kill everyone...go to his bedroom and see the notes he took of the castle!* Miranda speaks in Maria's head! *I'm always watching you, little dove!* as her voice fades away

María heard her speak and quickly goes to his room, as soon as she got there...María did see the notes there in his handwriting! Giving every detail of the castle and the women that live there...

"Hijo de puto!" María tells herself! (Motherfucker or Son of Bitch)

She quickly burns the notes in the fire pit. She takes her father's dagger that she always held when she was young...

"María!" Bela said as she sees her standing in the bedroom!

"I AM GOING TO KILL MY FATHER!" She runs out of the room and try's to find her father!

"MARÍA!!!" Bela shouted as she try's to pull her back but the anger was controlling her, as she sprints towards her father.

"María..." her father said as she jumps onto him dagger on his throat!

"MARÍA!" Alcina yells, as she wanted to pull her off from him! The girls seen María's eyes as they turned color from anger...

"YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE NOW! YOU'LL NOT SEND AN ARMY TO THIS PLACE OR I'LL COME BACK TO SPAIN..." She leans into his ear, "I WILL SLIT YOUR FUCKING THROAT!" As she draws small cut on his neck, letting him know that she wasn't bluffing!

"How did you know!" He said, "Besides Charles is probably already there as he's sending an army already!" He chuckles...

María starts laughing in a evil she gets up and slowly turns away!

"No papá, no está enviando un ejército!" María said, "Está en el sótano...desangrándose hasta morir" (No dad, he ain't sending an army! He's in the basement bleeding to death!)

"What..."he gets up while covering his cut!

"If you like I can show you the basement where he's at! Or you can simply leave now and never tell anyone back home what happened here, I'll know if you tell!" María wipes away her tears as she smiles!

Martín backs away towards the main entrance as the daughters were in front of María with evil smiles on their faces.
Then he gasp for air, as Alcina stabs him from the behind with her claws going through his chest...María stops smiling as she see's her father dying...

"ALCINA!!!" María runs towards her as Alcina throws Martín's lifeless body out the window!

"PAPÁ!!" María screams and jumps out of the window as she sees him lying on the ground...bleeding to death!

"María..." he chokes on blood as he reaches out for her hand! She runs towards him as she holds him...

"Lo siento, no se suponía que esto sucediera, solo quería que te fueras y nunca regresaras, pero ahora..." María cry's hard into his hand as he gently touches her face! (I'm sorry this wasn't supposed to happen, I just wanted you to leave and never come back but now...)

"Está bien, sabía que se me había acabado el debería obligarte a hacer nada....te amo y espero que puedas perdonarme!" He gently kisses her cheek as his breathing stops! (It's okay, I knew my time was up...I shouldn't force you to do anything...I love you and I hope you can forgive me)

"Te perdono papa y te amo!" Maria sobs into his shoulder laying her hand on his heart! (I forgive you dad and I love you)

María looks up and sees Alcina, after she realizing what she has done to María's father!

María puts her fathers hands onto his heart and she kisses his head, then she looks up one more time and runs away from the castle, and heads towards the woods!

"MARÍA!" Alcina runs out of the doors, as she knew that the woods are very dangerous place filled with monsters...

"I pray to Mother Miranda, the goddess that protects the village...I need you now!" Maria wipes her tears as she disappears into the woods

*I am here little dove, I can see you...look up at the black Raven. It will show you to my place!* Miranda tells Maria, as she sees the raven, she follows it to Miranda's place....

Oh shit...sorry y'all! I hope you guys like this chapter it's getting very interesting now!

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