I Will Always Love You

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As everyone stood there in shock that María stabbed Miranda, the megamycete roots let the Dimitrescu family free as they were gasping for air.

"But...why! I thought you loved me!" Miranda holds María's with anger!

"Never, since the dinner party. I decided to play you! I called the lords whenever you weren't home, telling them everything and convincing them to turn against you!" María flips her other wrist as another blade goes into her neck!

Miranda glances at everyone as they were ready to fight! Then Miranda looks at Alcina with a evil smile...

"Well...Alcina, if I can't have love then neither  should you!" Miranda transforms into her true form and stabs Marías chest with her hand!

María felt everything around her freezing, she sees Alcina running towards her with the girls.
She looks at Miranda as she throws her off the cliff that the wedding was at!

"GIRLS GET MARÍA! GO TO THE CASTLE!" Alcina shouted as she started to grow!

"FALSE CHILDERN, YOU WILL ALL DIE!" Miranda said as she was still bleeding

Cassandra, Bela and Daniela all jumped off the cliff to catch María! Daniela super fly's downwards as she grabs her hand.

"Got her!" Daniela said as the other two came and they all carried her body in the swarm of bugs!

Back to the fights Miranda was getting weak by the second, she realized that the blades that she was stabbed had poison!

"DIE YOU FUCKING HAG!" Karl Heisenberg said as he hits her with his hammer!

Moreau spits his acid on her as she screams in pain. Donna comes flying and stabbing her wings. As for Alcina, she jumps onto Miranda, and she try's to rip her head off of her body!

"ENOUGH!" Miranda pushes backwards as Alcina falls.

"YOU WILL DIED MIRANDA!" Alcina said as she shrieks at her! And pins her too the ground!

"AAAHHHH" Miranda screams in pain as she falls again.

Alcina rips one of her arms as she screams. Miranda starches her arm badly, then Donna cuts all of Miranda's fingers off!

"DONNA DO IT!" Alcina tells her as Donna injects Miranda with hallucination plants serum!

Miranda stopped moving for a quick second as she sees someone...Her daughter Eva....

"Eva...is that you my daughter! How I miss you!" Her voice cracked after seeing her false daughter! All of the lords stabbed her, she screams in pain and fights back. Then she stops....as her body crystallize into dust!

"She's gone...thank goodness." Karl said, "Alcina go check María now! She needs you!" Karl added, Alcina flys towards the castle as the Lords took care of Miranda's remains.

"Please María...stay with me!" Alcina flys back to the castle as fast as she can. She's hoping that it isn't to late to save her!

*Castle Dimitrescu*

"The bleeding is still going on!" Bela said as she try's sewing María's cuts. Daniela went to grab more towels and medicine to help, while Cassandra was holding María's hand.

"She's burning Bela! Her eyes are rolling back!" Cassandra points as María was choking on some blood!

Then all of a sudden, the window breaks as Alcina human body crashes into the room. She lays there with cuts and a torn dress!

"Mother!" Daniela sees her as she quickly hands Bela and Cassandra the medicine and towels as she runs to pick up Alcina.

"María! Daughters tell me what's going on!" Alcina coughs as she put of breath and weak. Daniela vanished again as she gets her mother the bottle of Sanguis Virginis!

"She's very weak, Mother! I think Miranda some how poisoned María when she stabbed her!" Bela said as she was wiping the blood way.

"She has regeneration power...she'll heal! Give it...time!" Alcina said, Cassandra moves as her mother sat next to María in the bed.

"Mother I don't think so, she still coughing up blood, her cuts aren't healing and she's twitching!" Bela tells her, "Plus her eyes are rolling back!" She added.

Alcina looks down as she sees for herself. María wasn't healing...she was dying...

"I am not going to lose her! I'm going to do something!" Alcina said.

She quickly finds a living vein throughout her body, she finds one in her neck just barely bumping. But enough to for her to inject her venom inside of her. 
Alcina picks up María in a cradle style, tilts her head to the side as she bites down hard as her venom was going through María's veins!

"Mother are you injecting her with your venom?" Bela said as she sound nervous!

Alcina nods at her as she glares down at María's body...it's slowly healing on its own.

She pulls away as she felt very weak from the lack of blood and using her venom to heal María. Cassandra lays her Mother down next to María, as both of them were out...

Later, Alcina wakes up laying on top of María's chest, she hears her heart beating and felt something touching her hair.
She turns her head as she sees María looking down as she smiles with joys

"María! You're alive!" Alcina begins to cry as she leans in as she finally kisses her the love of her life.

"hello...alcina!" María quietly said to her, "I will always love you no matter what happens!" She added.

"I love you María!" Alcina kiss her again, "Until our days end...together!" She added.

The girls came in to see how they were doing, they were very startled that María and Mother were alive together! They all jumped onto the bed as the girls try to pick up their mother, so she could feast on some maidens.

"Mother we're happy that you and María are awake, but you need to eat!" Cassandra said, as both Bela and Daniela already vanished to the dungeon.

"My daughter, I love how your so caring to me when I need to feast! But honestly I'm fine with—" Cassandra cuts her off.

"No mother, you need to eat! And so do you María!" Cassandra snapped back in a funny way.

Bela and Daniela both came back with two made so were unconscious.

Alcinas eyes open as she takes one of them and drinks them until the body only showed bones.

"It smells good Alcina!" María said as her eyes went from darkest brown to the brightest yellowish-red color.

María jumps onto other body as she drinks the maidens blood! She gasp for air after tasting the fresh blood, the girls and Alcina were shock that her venom worked on María...she was turning into them.
She smiles as she craves more of the blood, Alcina tells her daughters to find more blood for no of them...

I hope you all like this story it's about to come too an end

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