The Letter

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A week since the dinner event, María wakes up as she sees Alcina staring at her as she smiles!

"Good afternoon Draga Mea, sleep well?" Alcina smiles as she kisses her shoulder.

"Minus my ass being sore from yesterdays spanks, I'm good! You?" María cuddles up with her!

"I'm better then ever!" Alcina holds her tightly.

Then a knock came from the door, Alcina yells like usual and it was Selena! María ducks underneath the blanket

"Morning M'Lady! Shall I get the bath ready!" Selena asked!

"Yes maiden!" As she covers herself and looks underneath at María as she was terrified!

"Draga Mea, it's okay!" Alcina gets out of the bed and grabs the robe!

Few moments pass, Selena comes out and tells Alcina that the bath is ready, as she leaves Selena sees a body hidden in the sheets! She ignores it and leaves the room

"She's gone, let's go take a bath!" Alcina said as María gets up.

As they were talking and enjoying each other's company! María had a strange feeling that something might happen today. She couldn't figure out what it was but she felt it!

After the bath, they both got out and got dressed.
María went to the kitchen to get something to eat, as Alcina went to the study room to see her plans and meetings if she had any!

As María was walking towards the kitchen, she hears Liv and Selena talking in one of the rooms as they were cleaning.

"I think Lady Dimitrescu found a new slut toy..."Selena said

"Whoever that slut is...she going to end up like Susie. God I miss her...she was sweet and caring..." Liv laughs, "but no—she ended being turned into wine, all because María said something to Lady Dimitrescu" she added

"I know, besides...I think it was María in the bed, because I haven't seen her work in a week!" Selena said

"Well how much you wanna bet, she'll end up being the winery! My guess two weeks, by the end of THIS week!" Both Live and Selena started to laugh at María.

*How could they say that about me, I've always been truly nice to them...I've never did anything wrong* María starts to cry.

As María quietly passes by, one of the maidens came and saw her in tears.

"Hey María, are you okay!" Betty asked.

"I'm—fine!" María hides her crying. Betty comforts by hugging and telling María that everything is going to be okay!

"Hey your going to be fine, I'm here if you need to talk" Betty tells her, "And also I have something for's a letter from Spain"

"From Spain?" María takes the letter from her and see where it was from...She knew that symbol that was sealed with wax!

"Is it bad María? Shall I tell Lady Dimitrescu?" Betty questioned her as she went silent....

"no...i'm..fine..." María walks away from Betty as she opens the letter......

As María reads through three papers from Spain. Cassandra and Bela sees her and try's to talk to her!

"Hey María, any plans for today!?" Bela asked as María walks by her, Cassandra giggles and try's to talk too her!

"Did Bela piss you off dear!?" Cassandra chuckles, María even ignores her too! And just kept walking!

"HEY FLOWER BUDDY! Do you wanna go out and get more flowers?" Daniela appears in front of her!

"no..." María walks away from her, Daniela sees her other two sisters and asked her what happened. They told her, Daniela was worried as she felt Marías heart beating very slow...

A six hours went by Alcina was looking for María, as she was trying to hear her heart beating. It was slient, she calls for her daughters as they appear in front of her.

"Girls Wheres María? I've been trying to find her but I can't locate her heart beating!" Alcina asked her daughters as they told her what happened!

"She's really down mother, I think it was the letter she got!" Daniela said

"A letter! I'll try to find her again, she wouldn't leave the castle grounds without any of our permission!" Alcina walks out and try's to sense María.......

As she hears a faint beating coming from her bedroom. Alcina slowly opens the door and sees María already in bed, facing away from the door!

"María! Do you care to explain why you ignore my daughters earlier?" Alcina stood there as María still facing away!

"MARÍA!" Alcinas voice grew!

María slowly gets up as Alcina sees her eyes red from crying.

"hello...Alcina..." María's voice cracked as she turns to the nightstand, opens the drawer and hands the letter to Alcina!

"A silly letter made you cry?!" She takes the letter and proceeds to read.

As it turns out, it was a letter from María's father, telling her that he and her ex fiancé are coming to meet the lady at the castle, to make a bargain of taking María back home and to marry the guy she supposed to be with years ago!

"Wait your father is the king of Spain...Your last name is Bordón!!" She look at María as she was having a panic attack.

"I AM—SORRY—FOR LYING TO YOU....PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!" María falls from the bed while grabbing her chest as she was having troubles breathing!

"Oh my—Dear! I'm not angry at you!" Alcina quickly kneels down, she grabs both of María's shoulders trying to make her to focus on her eyes.

"Copy me now, breath in..." both of them did it

"Breath out..." they exhale as María was still holding her chest!

"Breath in..." once more but this time is was heavy

"Breath out..." Alcina so does it for a couple more times as she sees María's breathing being steady once again!

"i'm sorry for lying...I lied about my last name and hiding my past!" María looks down, "But everything about ME right true!" She added as she felt Alcina lifting her up and laying in the bed together!

"I'm not angry at you, I want you to be happy and healthy with me!! Please be honest with me that all I care, but why didn't you tell me!" Alcina lifts her chin as her eyes were still red!

"Because I was afraid you would've contact my father...and sent me away..." María cries into her neck.

"I'd never do that because I care for you! And I'm not going to have him and your ex fiancé take you away! Your mine and...I'm yours!" Alcina voice semi cracked as she kisses her forehead!

"Thank you Alcina!" María said, "will I get punished for lying to you?" She looks up at her.

"No, you won't! All I care right now is making sure you are safe! I'll let Mother Miranda know, unless you told her when she was here a week ago?" Alcina asked.

María nods for yes and she mentioned that Miranda kept it a secret!

"I'm not upset, I care for you María! When your father and your ex fiancé get here we'll talk about it more!" Alcina caresses Maria's hair back behind her ears!

"I don't know who wrote a letter to my father and I know it wasn't Miranda! She even said she would have killed him if she met him!" María said!

"Just relax right now Draga Mea, we'll figure everything out!" Alcina starts to sings a song that she would use on her daughters if they were stress! As María falls asleep on her chest....

I hope you all love this book! Let's see how a this next chapter goes!

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