Meeting Mother Miranda PT:1

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As María and Alcina enjoy the hot bath, María ask her who was Mother Miranda really!

"Alcina...who really is Mother Miranda?" She looks up, as she sees Alcina eyes widen...

"She created us, the four Lords, aka my siblings! She gave all of us power and immortality, we thank her for everything she has brought to us and too the village!" She said, "Why do you ask?" She added, as she pours water on top of María.

"I asked Daniela and she told me if Mother Miranda visits you in a dream, it means you are important to her..." María said, "I've never really pray to her, I've always heard her as a black goddess but never knew her real name!" She added

"It's okay, little pet! She's not going to harm you and beside she's actually coming tonight with the other lords for dinner!" Alcina said as she pulls María's hips close to her! "I want you to be on your best behavior even though I know you can, from what we just did in the bed!" She nibbles into María's neck!

"I promise Alcina, I won't disappoint you tonight!" María giggles as she feels Alcina kisses!

As soon as they finished, María got Alcina dressed and helped button up! Alcina had a maiden bring María a new out fit. Which was a beautiful rose pink dress with thin strips and a open chest away.

"It's beautiful but I cannot wear this, Alcina!" María said as Alcina looks down at her!

"Why not!? It suits you...doesn't it?" Alcina said as she puts down her lipstick.

"Well I appreciate the dress you gift me but...I never really like dresses since I was a kid!" María stood next to her, "I always wanted to wear a decent men's clothing like my male friends used to wear!" She added

Alcina tilted her head as she imagines María in a very beautiful suit!

"Okay, I have some males outfit in one of the empty rooms, I'll ask one of my daughters to find them and you chose what you wear! Sounds good?" She asked, María happily nods as she bows to Alcina.

"Good girl, now I have to see if the maidens are getting the dinning room ready." She leans down and kisses María's head, "I'll see you later!" She added as she leaves the bedroom.

An hour goes by, Bela comes in and brings María the male clothes which some of them were covered in blood or ripped.

"Good luck little pet!" Bela said as she disappears.

María found a sewing kit, she begins to fix and patch the holes. María was taught on how to fix clothes by her mother years she misses the sound of her mothers voice and...even her family...

Another hour goes by, as Alcina comes in as she stops and she stares at María. As Alcina is stunned by how beautiful María looks in men's clothing's

"My, My, you just love surprising me don't you Draga Mea, I think you look beautiful..." Alcina leans down as she grips María's hips, "If you were naked and sitting on my hand..." Alcina added as she touches María...

"Alcina...don't we have guess coming right now?!" María slithers her way out of her grip.

" dare you leave me?!" Alcina licks her lips and slowly walks towards her!

"Sorry Mistress, I think you can wait after the dinner gathering! Don't you think?" María grins as she moves too the door!

"No...just for that comment...come here NOW!" Alcina demandes as María still stood. She wasn't afraid of her...she knew that Alcina likes little pets to disobey her for pleasure and fun!

Yes...Mistress! X Lady DimitrescuWhere stories live. Discover now