Hello..Father PT:1

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As everyone was getting ready for the arrival of María's father and her ex fiancé! She hasn't seen her family is eight years. María wasn't sure how her father was going to react to her disappearance. She was getting nervous as Alcina sees....

"Draga Mea, I know you nervous on seeing your father and your ex...I swear if they try's to hurt or take you...I won't hesitate to kill them!!" Alcina kisses María.

"I know Alcina, I'm just trying to get through this day without drama...mostly it will happen!" María said as she fixes her suit.

"Let's just get through this and hope they will leave after dinner!" Alcina puts on her lipstick on as María awaits for her!

"Ready Alcina?" María said, as she's patiently waiting.

"No, go meet the girls at the door, I'll see you guys at the dinning room!" Alcina told her as she left.

As María thoughts were coming in she had a bad feeling, like her father will hurt Alcina and the girls...but she try's to relax as she sees the girls by the main doors!

"Hello María! You look beautiful as always!" Daniela said as she puts a flower on her suit jacket!

"Thank you, you all three look beautiful and your Mother too!" María said as she opens the doors and sees is the carriage riding up the hill!

As Maria and the girls stood outside of the front doors, Maria sees her father on one side and her ex fiancé...the carriage stops as they both got out!

"So is the bigger dude with the bald head, your dad? Daniela whispers!

"No...that's Charles...the guy I was supposed to marry when I was 13!" María whispers to Daniela.

Both Cassandra and Bela gagged after seeing Charles! But they we're more disgusted after seeing the other dude, King Martín Bodón of Spain...

"Father...Charles...Welcome to Castle Dimitrescu!" María said

"So which one of you beautiful women is the Lady of the Castle!?" Charles flirts while smiling at the girls! Even the girls felt weirded out by him.

"Charles...they are the daughters of Lady Dimitrescu...This is Cassandra, Bela, and Daniela!" María rolls her eyes at him.
Martín and Charles bow to them as the girls gave them some respect!

"Remember, best behavior as Mother told us!" Bela whispers to her sisters!

Charles try's to touch María, and Daniela got in front of her as she was protecting her!

"Don't you touch her!" Daniela hiss, María pulls her to the side, she proceeds to tell her it is okay, that María isn't afraid...even though deep inside she was!

"You've grown more beautiful than I remembered!" Charles kisses her hand!

"Thank you, now let's inside to the dining room as Lady Dimitrescu hates people who makes her wait!" María enters the doors as her father never even said a word to her!

As as they made it to the dining room, Mary opens the door and sees Alcina...sitting and waiting!

"Father, Charles, I would like you both to meet Lady Alcina Dimitrescu of the Castle!" María said as Alcina gets up and walks to them. Both Charles and Martín look up in shock after seeing this tall women....

"May I say...you take my breath away M'Lady!" Charles said as he bows.

"Indeed...you're beautiful M'Lady!" María's father said.

"Thank you M'Lords, shall we sit and enjoy the dinner that the maidens prepared for us!" Alcina walks back!
The daughters sat across the table, next to María as she was next too Alcina! Who was at the head of the table!

"Daughter...I've never fully got to say anything but you look beautiful, a perfect image of your mother when she was young!" Martín said as he was across the table infront of her!

"Thank you...father!" María said as she took a drink of water!

As it was awkward for an hour, the maidens came out with food and wine! As everyone was eating...minus the girls as they drank like their mother....

"Now let's get down to business, what do you want M'Lady in return...so I may have my daughter back!" He already started the topic!

"Your daughter has told me about what you were doing to her...she's fully underneath my protection and the other lords of this village!" Alcina took a drink of her wine, "Which means, she's not leaving! She loves it here and furthermore—" Alcina gets cut off!

"NO! I WAS TOLD! THAT SHE HATES IT HERE, THAT WHY WE CAME TO RESCUE HER!" Martín yells, the daughters looked at each other and then look at their mother!

"I don't know who you're yelling at but in this house I say what goes and doesn't go... And Maria isn't going anywhere!" Alcina glares at him!

"STOP IT!" María shouted at them, "No voy a volver a casa padre...soy feliz aqui!" María speaks in Spanish. (I'm not going home father...I'm happy here!)

(My Spanish sucks...google translate semiworks and my memory is shitty)

"¡Por qué hija, se supone que ahora eres reina y tienes hijos!" Martín spoke back to her! (Why daughter, you were supposed to be queen now and have children!)

As Alcina sees them arguing, she wanted to end this but María got up and lean in towards her father!

"Vete a la mierda, si mamá estuviera aquí...me hubiera dicho que viviera mi vida al máximo!" María shouted as she broke the glass in her hand! (Fuck you, if mother was here...she would have told me to live my life to the fullest!)

Martín slammed his hands onto the table...

"Suficiente...¡volverás a casa mañana! ¡Y dejando atrás este agujero de mierda!" He tells María.(Enough...you'll be coming home tomorrow! And leaving this shit hole behind!)

"NO! I rather die then go back home and I would rather die then share the Bordrón last name with you!" María yells as she leaves!

Alcina quickly gets up and gently grabs María's arm!

"Draga Mea!" Alcina looks into Marías eyes as she sees her pain and anger!

"Not now...Mi Amor!" María whispers as she leaves the dining room!

"I'll go talk to her!" Daniela try's to get up but Alcina told her, that María needs space and time to process.

As Maria's father and Charles finished eating, they went to the guest room.

The daughters went to bed as Alcina goes into her bedroom and see María sitting on the floor in a new skin revealing outfit!

"María?" Alcina sees her as she walks up.

"Please...Mistress! I beg you...make me feel pain and make me forget this event!" María stands up as she pulls Alcina to the bed as she lays there...waiting to feel something from Alcina...

Hope y'all like this new update! I'll see you in the next one!

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