Lake Time

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Alcina gets a letter from Miranda stating everyone is going to have another event at the lake side, Alcina hasn't been at the lake for years since some villagers raid it and made it their own.

"Daughters!" Alcina yelled for them as they approached, "Grab your bathing suits, we're going to a lake for a event that Miranda is hosting...again!" She added

"Mother I need to tell you's about María! She called me and told me things to tell you" Daniela said. She told Alcina the conversation between her and María...

Later the girls and Alcina got into the carriage and headed towards the lake!

"Okay girls may I say, I'm sorry for trading María away too Miranda...I was stupid and not thinking straight when she and I weren't talking!" Alcina said

"Mother it's okay, yeah it did hurt us at first but we do get to talk to her, even if it's for five minutes or less!" Bela said

"It's okay, at least we can hangout with her even if Miranda doesn't like it...who cares!" Daniela said as she ties her top again!

Everyone made it to the lake as Daniela sees Miranda and María getting everything settled up!

"Mother it's María and...Miranda" Daniela rolled her eyes as she and the others got out.

"Girls! I'm going to be right back, don't touch Miranda!" María laughs as she runs towards Tom he girls and give them a hug!

"María" Alcina eyes widens, she wanted to hug but María read her mind. She leans down, gives her a tightest hug and inhaled her scent!

"It's good seeing you again Alcina!" María hugs her tightly.

"You too!" Alcina didn't want to let go but she felt Miranda's eyes watching!

"I have to go help her, your guys tent is next to Donna and Angie!" María said as she runs back to Miranda.

The girls run over as Alcina walks behind them, she looks over her so shoulder and sees María hugging and kissing Miranda.

"Looks like she moved on, wish I could do the same thing" Alcina told herself as she sets the bag down.

Heisenberg and Moreau showed up, as Alcina sees the girls are having fun with Angie and Moreau, she was with Donna and Karl!

"Alcina...have you found...a new personal maiden?" Donna said as she lays in the sun!

"No, but I have new maidens coming soon but I'm still waiting..." Alcina looks over as she sees María giggle while Miranda's head was lying on her leg!

"You still think about her don't you?" Karl said as he cracks his back.

"María?! She's...happy with her new life" Alcina shrugs her shoulders.

"Listen here, super tall no brain women! She's acting, I can see it! She's not really happy with her!" Karl said as he fixes his chair

"Pfff!" Alcina gets up and walks away from the conversation!

"Hey Miranda, do you wanna walk for bit?" María said as she gets done braiding her hair.

"Sounds nice little dove!" Miranda stands up as she wipes the sand from her swimsuit, as both of them were walking, the lords and the girls seen them.

"Where's Mother?" Bela asked as she had Angie on her hip coming from the water

"Most likely she's breaking down some trees or killing something because she's upset with María and Miranda being together!" Karl said

"Well...she's going to be more pissed...look!" Donna points at them, as María got down on one knee and showing Miranda something

"OH MY—YES!" Miranda's shouts as she kisses Maria, she wraps her arms around Miranda and spins her

"Did she just—no she wouldn't..." Karl said as he almost flew back from his seat!

"There must be a reason—uh oh—sisters! MOTHERS BACK!" Daniela said, as all three of them went up to her and spun her around real quick before she sees what just happened!

"Girls the lake is this way, I just went to go get some thing from the carriage..." Alcina try's to turn around but the girls wouldn't let her!

"Mother we gotta tell you something real quick before—" Cassandra gets cut off by Miranda yelling for Alcina's name

"Alcina come here!" Miranda shouted as she was waving at her and then she looks at Maria and kisses her cheek again and again!

Alcina walks over as she still wanted to rip Miranda's head off!

"Mother Miranda you seem extremely happy...what did María propose to you?" Alcina said as she was holding the beach ball in her hands.

"Actually...she did!" Miranda shows her the ring, "Never thought in YEARS! That I would ever find someone that loves me, I have one love but it's not fully complete without my daughter, Eva, but soon!" She added

Alcina was very shocked when she grips the beach ball very tightly as it explodes in her hand!

"She...actually did..."Alcina couldn't find the words to explain how upset and angry she is about all of this.

"I know it's only been a couple months but...I'm happy!" María said as she kisses Miranda's cheek, "At first it was rough but it got better!" She added!

" guy will be very happy together!" Alcina said as she walks away from them as she was biting her tongue.
She walks towards her girls as they look at her.

"Was that why you guys were pulling me I wouldn't see that?" Alcina voice began to crack

All three of them nodded their head for yes, Alcina looks down as she tears slightly! Alcina didn't look at María and Miranda all day, as her heart broke into thousands of pieces.

Later everyone went their separate ways, the girls made it back home and Alcina washes herself. Then Daniela knocks on the door, as Alcina gently yells for her.

"Mother, are you okay from earlier?" Daniela asked as she walks in as she was in the tub still

"I'm okay, just down I guess" Alcina said as she took a drink of her wine

"Well the girls and I are going to go hunting, care to join us?" Daniela said

Alcina thought about it but she decided to stay in. As Daniela nods her head, she leaves, Alcina finishes cleaning, got dress in her nightgown and heads to bed...

"Oh María I miss you...please come back!" Alcina found a shirt that belonged to her as it still smelled like her!

Alcina holds the shirt close to her face as she still imagines that María is still with her as she slowly starts to touch herself!
But after a few minutes of pleasure herself, it wasn't working, she was frustrated that she couldn't keep going, she still loves her but she couldn't get HAPPY!

She needed to feel this LOVE, she need...MARÍA!

I hope y'all like this story, sorry I haven't post in a bit. I've had somethings going on in my life, but I'm almost done with this book!

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