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we all thought we got free,

finally, we were teens.

being young means making mistakes,

slowly losing interest in birthday cakes. 

youth is about finding love,

being reckless, being hurt.

everyone is waiting for the end of the movie,

I am just waiting to be free.

the suspense breaks through,

the responsibilities fill my roof. 

the joy is still there in being young,

but everything feels like it's falling apart, despite it all, trying to find the fun.

can't throw it all away, one youth is all we get,

let's live it because we can't be the one's breathing but inside dead.

the main lead swoops in, all eyes on her,

it all stops being a blur.

it's magnificent once we dance in the dusk with a grin on,

you feel the freedom, you don't want to be gone.

the villain comes, so do the yawns, 

we irrevocably always give a response. 

you are 18 now, driving as a legal adult,

 juggling school and fun. 

everything falls in place, the audience claps,

the pain, the scars, the tears of youth-under wraps. 

independence means being liberal, 

others think it means getting the work done. 

youth and independence rarely see each other, 

and it breaks her.

take another deep breath,

life is short, let's make the most of it before death.

the credits show up...everyone leaves, no one sees the effort, 

everyone watches the movie, no one reads the book,

it's the same with our broken youth.

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