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It was 11 in the morning when I strolled into the small café. I had worked in The Rose Café for a few years now. The manager, Rose, is lovely. She lets me have extra shifts and gives me free food. Rose helped me out when life got rough, I even lived with her for a bit whilst I was saving up for my apartment.

I headed into the back and shoved my bag in one of the lockers. I wrapped my apron around my waist and clocked in. Rose was stood in the small kitchen. Her top was dusted with icing sugar as she hummed to the music playing softly over the speakers.

"Ahh, Grace how are you today?" Her lips turned up into a small smile.

"Good thank you. How are you?" She plopped the pastry onto the surface and turned to fully face me.

"I am splendid dear. You are going to be working the right side tables today and Charlotte is working the left." I nodded and started work.

It was quiet as usual but got slightly busier around lunchtime. A family walked in and sat at the largest table in the café. The two young boys must've been around 6 years old and were identical twins. They giggled and pushed each other slightly.

"Hi welcome to The Rose Café. What can I get for you today?" The tired-looking mum glanced up and told her boys to take a seat.

"Umm, I will have a large black coffee and two small hot chocolate and three slices of chocolate cake." I scribbled down her order.

I quickly made her drinks and loaded them onto the tray along with the slices of cakes. I placed the drinks in front of the family and thanked them as they happily chattered.

I stood behind the counter and let my mind drift off to last night and the mystery man. Something about his eyes was so familiar. But surely I would remember seeing a man like that. I continued to think of those eyes as I wiped down tables and swept the floor. Then it hit me. I did know those eyes. And I hated those eyes.

Ryker Marzolla.

I hated him. I hated everything about him. When we were young he used to torment me. And I used to torment him. He cut a hole in my favourite jumper so I burned his brand new trainers. Ryker always had a lot of money so I enjoyed destroying everything he bought with it. Maybe it was jealousy, I could never afford new shoes. At the mere age of 12, I remember vowing to make his life hell. And last night I helped him. I saved his stupid life.

Once again an uncontrollable rage burst through me. I was angry at Ryker for coming back to town, but I was furious at myself for not recognising him and for helping him. I guess he didn't recognise me either.

"Grace...Grace are you okay? You look like you are about to break that poor sweep." Charlotte's voice snapped me out of my rage. I noticed my knuckles turned white.

"Ah yeah I am fine. I just zoned out." I put the sweep back into the cupboard and tended to the table where the family still sat.

"Sorry about the wait. Would you like the bill?" The mum nodded and pulled her purse out. I placed the bill on the table and handed her the card machine as she paid.

"Thank you and have a lovely day." The family stood up and left. I swiftly cleaned up the table and carried on with work.

The rest of my shift was uneventful. It was dark outside and Charlotte had left about half an hour ago. So I was on locking up. I did a final cleaned and checked the back door in the kitchen was locked. I then turned off all the lights and left. I locked the front door behind me and slipped the key into the key safe. I then started my 10-minute walk back to my apartment.

A tingle ran down my spine. Warning me that I wasn't alone in this alley. I picked up my pace. Not daring to look behind me. I had almost reached the stairs to my apartment when a drunk man stepped in my way. He wore a grey tank top that was stained with grease. He wobbled slightly but managed to stand on his feet.

"Hello, there sexy. Wanna have some fun?" He slurred out. I noticed a slight limp on his left leg and backed away slowly. He then suddenly reached forward, attempting to grab me.

The Mafia's GraceWhere stories live. Discover now