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After last night's incident and Ryker Marzolla being back in town I needed to let out some steam. I grabbed my over-shoulder bag and packed my leggings and a sports top. I quickly left my apartment and made my way towards the local gym. The sun had just started to rise above the buildings and lit up the alleyway. I am guessing that drunk man left after I punched him because the only thing showing he was there that night was an empty bottle of beer.

I pushed the glass door open and was hit with a cold breeze from the aircon. John was situated behind the front desk and peered up from his phone as I entered.

"Grace it's been a while." He put his phone down as I made my way towards him. He was in his mid-forties and trained me when I first joined the gym. I know how to fight but clean and dirty thanks to him. I owed him so much for helping me out. He treated me like his own daughter and I cared for him like I would a dad.

"Good morning John. I have been busy recently but I need to left off some steam." He nodded in understanding.

"Well let me know if you need anything." I smiled at him and headed to the lockers rooms.

My fist connects with the punching bag as it spun around violently. The anger I had been feeling was pulsing through as I threw hit after hit at the punching bag. I grabbed hold of the bag to steady it. A tingle ran up my spine. I was being watched again. I whirled around to see a younger man smirking at me.

He had brown curly hair tied back in a bun and gleaming hazel eyes. I could tell he worked out a lot by the muscles the covered his body.

"What?" I snapped out as his eyebrow quirked up.

"Looks to me like someone has a lot on her plate." His voice was soft and had a mischievous hint to it.

"Yeah and I don't want to talk to you." I turned back and slammed my fist into the bag again. I felt his presence grow as he stood right behind me.

"Let's spar. That will help." I was about to refuse but I did need to punch more than just a bag full of sand. I followed him to the ring and slipped through the ropes.

"I'm Carson by the way." He extended his hand to me and I shook it.

"Grace," I said as I brought my fists up to protect my face.

He struck first. I ducked quickly as his fist flew over my head. My knuckle collided with his ribs in a sharp jab as he staggered backward. I then swiped my foot out and caught him in the ankle, sending him toppling to the floor. He got to his feet quicker than I expected and punched me in the stomach. I stumbled back and coughed slightly. He looked down at me. I kicked my foot up and it connects with his nether regions. He groaned loudly and backed away.

"Okay okay, you win." He spluttered out. I giggled and shook his hand.

"Why thank you. It was fun and thanks for letting me blow off some steam." We walked out of the ring and I took a sip of water. He looked down at his phone and his eyebrows scrunched together.

"Umm, I have to go. It was fun." He quickly walked out of the gym and disappeared around the corner.

I looked up as John approached. He had a concerned look on his face as he sat on the bench next to me.

"You shouldn't hang around with that guy again. He is bad news. His whole family is. Promise me you will stay away from him." Weird. John wasn't scared of anyone.

"Okay, I will. I need to get home and shower. I stink."

"That you do." He laughed as I playfully punched him in the arm. I gathered all of my stuff and headed back to my apartment.

The sun was high in the sky and people were walking down the streets. I weaved through chattering people and made it to my apartment. I dropped my bag on the floor and kicked off my trainers. My whole body ached as I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Once the water was hot I stepped in, pulling my hair out of its ponytail and washing it thoroughly.

The water had done just what I wanted it to do. My once aching muscles were now relaxed and I no longer smelt like a homeless man. I had decided to spend the rest of the day at home as I didn't have work. So I dressed in some joggers and an oversized top. I left the bathroom and made myself a quick sandwich. I was about to sit down when I noticed my answer machine was flashing red. I clicked play and listened to the message.

"Hello, Grace. It's been a long time." My heart plummeted as fear flooded through my veins.

"I am calling to tell you that I saw you help Ryker Marzolla. You are mine and only mine, I can't believe you would dare help another man. I am coming for you, and you will pay for helping him." The answering machine beeped signalling the end of the message.

The sandwich slipped from my hand and tumbled to the floor.

He was back.

The Mafia's GraceWhere stories live. Discover now