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I hadn't planned to stay on Ryker's lap the whole drive home but it felt like he needed it. After he checked I was alright he didn't say anything the rest of the drive. He just sat with me and stroked my hair. When we pulled up to the house Ryker lifted me out of the car and climbed out behind me. He didn't follow me but I felt him watching me as I snuck through the front door.

I kicked my heels off and went to the kitchen to have a drink, still keeping Ryker's jacket wrapped tightly around my naked upper half. I grabbed a mug and decided to have a cup of tea. I sat sipping at my drink when the front door opened and three sets of footsteps made their way towards the kitchen. Carson opened the door and walked in, followed by James and Ryker. They were all covered in splatters of blood, which I hadn't noticed when Ryker got into the jeep earlier.

"Grace you were wonderful tonight. Plus that jacket really suits you." Carson teased as he gave me a tight hug.

"We are off to bed." Carson sent me a cheeky wink as he looped his arm around James' and pulled him out of the kitchen, giggling as they went. I stood up to follow them but Ryker stepped in front of me.

"Not so fast, my love." I looked up at him through my lashes. He took a step forward and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"What are you doing?" I asked quietly as he watched me.

"Watching you with him tonight made me so jealous. Thinking of you with Dylan makes me wanted to rip him to pieces. You are mine Grace." Slow anger burned in me.

"I don't belong to anyone Ryker. I never belonged to Dylan and I will never belong to you." I poked my finger into his chest as his fingers curled around my wrist.

"You are so hot." He pulled me towards him. My chest crashed into his as he brought his lips down to mine.

The kiss was slow and passionate. It held so many emotions, so much need and desperation. His lips moved perfectly with mine as his hands held onto my face. I planted my hands on his chest and pushed him away. This wasn't right. I was supposed to hate him and yet that kiss felt so right.

"I'm sorry. I needed to do that. Sleep well." He planted a soft kiss on my forehead and left the room.

I stood there, my face burning red. Ryker Marzolla kissed me. The one person I had sworn to always hate. He made me feel things I have never felt before. I refused to allow those feelings to grow, but deep down I knew it was too late. 

I practically ran up the stairs and slipped into my room. I ripped Ryker's jacket off of me and dropped it to the floor. It smelt too much like him and I couldn't deal with that right now. I pulled the remaining parts of my dress off and climbed into a hot shower. I scrubbed myself raw, the smell of Ryker had vanished and was replaced by the sweet smell of vanilla. Once I was satisfied that I was clean I got out of the shower and dried myself with a fluffy towel. 

I changed into a cute pyjama set that was a little suggestive and buried myself under the heavy duvet. My dreams consisted of Ryker and Ryker only. 

The Mafia's GraceWhere stories live. Discover now