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*Mature audience warning*

I smiled like an idiot the whole way home. My hand held onto Grace's. I couldn't believe she said yes, the girl I had loved since I was 12. The most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on was mine for life, and I would never let her go.

We pulled up at the house and the front door flew open. Carson and James stood there with a bottle of champagne and some party cannons. I opened Grace's door and she climbed out. She pointed her ring at the boys and they screamed. They engulfed us in a massive hug. Grace laughed as I shoved them off of me.

"Congratulations you two," James said as he exploded the party popper and covered us in confetti. The cork of the champagne bottle whizzed through the air as Carson poured the white foam into his mouth.

"Come to the dining room. We've made cocktails and cakes." Carson practically screamed as he pulled James along with him. Grace ran after them and I followed behind reluctantly. These two idiots were more excited than me or Grace were.

The dining room was covered in balloons and banners, the table had a range of different coloured drinks on it. It must've taken them ages to set this up. I walked over and stood next to Grace. 

"I know it's soon but I booked the church my mother and father got married in. The only availability they had was for two weeks on Friday." I rubbed my neck.

"That's perfect Ry." She pecked me and turned to grab us a colourful drink each.

The drinks were shit. I had one sip and almost threw up. Grace discretely poured hers into a plant pot near the window as Carson babbled on about wedding dresses. I chuckled as she quietly placed the glass down on the table.

"How about tomorrow we go wedding dress shopping Grace? I know the perfect man for the job." Carson asked as he gulped down his own drink.

"I would love that. We don't have much time so we had better start soon." She laughed as she leaned into me. I curled my fingers between hers.

"I think me and Grace are going to go upstairs." James choked slightly on his drink before he spoke up.

"Try and keep it down this time. I think the whole town heard you two last night." Grace blushed as Carson smacked James on the arm, quietening him.

I pulled Grace out of the room and up the stairs. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I kissed her, kicking our bedroom door open. I slammed the door shut behind us and dropped her onto the bed. She pulled her dress over her head and dropped it onto the floor. The matching lacy underwear set left nothing to the imagination as my eyes raked down her body. 

She watched me as I tore my clothes off. I strode towards her as she crawled back onto the bed. I climbed over her and hovered above her. She reached up and kissed me, her hands wove through my hair as she tugged at it lightly.

I continued kissing down her neck, sucking lightly but enough to leave a mark. A sign she was mine and only mine. I then moved back and kissed her, she moaned into my mouth as she pulled off her lacy pants and bra. She then tugged my boxers off and I broke the kiss.

"Ready love?" She nodded.

"I need to hear it in words baby." she swallowed.

"Yes Ryker, I'm ready." With that, I slammed into her. 

Grace arched into me as she cried out in pleasure. I grunted as I continued to move, watching her face as her eyes rolled backwards. She called out my name as her eyes connected with mine. 

I flipped us over so as she was on top. I propped myself up on the pillow. She bounced up and down, my hands on her hips guiding her, controlling her. Her head flew back as she moaned, a bead of sweat ran down the crevice between her breasts. I leant forwards and pulled her head down to kiss me. Her hands stayed planted on my shoulders as I grasped her hair. I moaned into her as she continued to ride me.

She pulled away from the kiss and moaned, her nails dug into my shoulders and I relished in the pain. I watched as small beads of blood down my shoulders from her nail marks. She screamed out as she clenched around me, her body shaking slightly as her movements become sloppy. Her head rested on my shoulder.

"You're not done yet, baby," I said as I lifted her by her waist.

I moved her up and down as she continued to moan out my name. Her hands ran down my chest as pleasure ran through me. I kept moving her as the orgasm consumed me. I growled out in pleasure and released her hips. She didn't move to get off me, her eyes locked onto the small cuts on my shoulders. 

"I'm so sorry Ry." She said as she leant in and kissed the cuts, my blood-stained her lips.

"It's okay baby. I would bleed a lot more than this for you." I said as I wiped the blood from her lips with my thumb and shoved it into my mouth.

I would burn down this world for her.

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