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Ryker took me up to his room, stepping over the bodies. The hardwood floors were covered in thick blood and the cream carpet of the living room was starting to turn red. This would cost a lot of money to fix.

We went into his room and he checked all the possible hiding spaces, just in case.

"I need to make a few calls. You go and have a shower. Let me just grab you some clothes." He wandered off into his closet and brought out a pair of boxers and a t-shirt of his.

"This is all I have." I thanked him and went to shower.

The warm water relaxed my tense muscles. Every time my eyes closed I could see the bodies of the men I had killed. I tried not to think about it as I scrubbed the dried blood off of my face and legs. The only body wash Ryker had smelt of him so I used that. I then washed my blood matted hair and stepped out of the shower. I dried off and changed into the clothes Ryker had given me.

When I walked out Ryker was angrily shouting down the phone. He had his back to me and was looking out into the darkness of the night.

"I don't give a shit...No...They could've killed her...You will fix this...Yes by tomorrow...Bye." He hung up and turned around. The anger in his face dissipated.

"Sorry about that. The house should be all clean by tomorrow." He then went off and showered himself. 

I sat on his large bed and let my thoughts wander. In just one day I met a psycho bitch, went on a date with Ryker, realised I am falling for Ryker, hidden from people who wanted us dead, killed people, and helped save James' life. What had my life become? It used to be so simple, working in the café. I could no longer live like that, even if I wanted to. But I don't want to. I want to live here with Ryker and Carson and James. 

The bathroom door opened and Ryker appeared, dressed in grey sweatpants. He was topless and his hair was a mess. I couldn't take my eyes off of his wet, perfectly sculpted body. 

"I am all yours, my love." I looked away. His nickname for me made my cheeks burn.

"I-umm-..." He chuckled and sat down next to me.

"Are you okay after everything that has happened?" He lost all humour in his voice and became very serious.

"I am fine Ry. But would it be okay if I stay here? Just for tonight. I don't think I would be able to get any sleep otherwise." His hand encased mine.

"Of course. I wasn't going to let you sleep alone anyway." I smiled and pulled my hand from his. 

"What side do you sleep on?" I asked as he rummages through one of his draws, pulling out a gun.

"I will sleep on the left, by the door, just in case." He placed the gun on the bedside table and got under the covers. His hand patted the empty side and I snuggled in next to him.

"Thank you for helping me out today. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." I looked over at him.

"Anytime. Plus you are very lucky I had a good aim. Otherwise, that knife might've hit you." He chuckled.

"You can kill me any day." With that, he gives me a quick kiss and told me to get some sleep. 

I rested my head on his chest, its steady rise and fall lulled me to sleep. I didn't dream at all. When I woke up Ryker was gone and the room was silent. I rolled over and climbed out of bed, not bothering to get dressed because no one would see me. But I was wrong about that.

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