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I rolled over and pecked James on the lips. He stirred awake and smiled at me. 

"Good morning my handsome gangster." He says in his gruff morning voice. I laughed slightly and tangled my legs with his.

"Good morning to you too, my little nerd." He snorted and pushed me off of him. I looked up and pouted as he walked into the bathroom. 

"Are you coming or not?" He yelled and my mood instantly brightened.

After we showered together I got dressed and flicked through my emails about work. Nothing had changed but the news of Tyler Scott's death had spread. James and I left his body in one of Dylan's warehouses. It was obvious we were behind the murder but no one except Dylan would dare go against us.

"So I was thinking today we could go-" James was cut off by an ear-piercing voice. One we hadn't heard in a few months.

"Oh shit. That skank is back. I thought Ryker had got rid of her?" James grimaced as he spoke.

"You know Ryker doesn't like killing girls J. But maybe with Grace around, she will leave for good." James laughed at my idea and pulled me off of the bed where I was sat. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him.

"What were you saying before you were rudely interrupted?"  I was slightly taller than James so I rested my head on his shoulder as he started speaking again.

"So there is this new film out and I was wondering if you would come and watch it with me?" I chuckled knowing just what he was doing.

"Let me guess. This new film is some weird rom-com." He pulled away from me and looked horrified.

"I never choose weird films. Plus you always love them more than I do." It was now my turn to look horrified.

"How dare you say such a thing? Take that back right now." I fake demanded as he pulled me back in for a passionate kiss.

"I love you, James Arsen." He smiled at me.

"I love you too, Carson Marzolla." We kissed so more only to be interrupted by a deafening scream.

"What the fuck was that?" James said as I stormed out of the room in a bad mood that this Melanie had interrupted us twice. James followed closely behind me.

We stood at the top of the stairs to see Melanie on the floor clutching her nose that was bleeding and very crooked. I made my way towards them as Melanie grabbed a chunk of Grace's hair. Before she had the chance to do anything I grabbed her wrist and squeezed. She immediately let go of Grace's hair and I turned to glare at Ryker. Why didn't he stop them?

I didn't let go of Melanie's wrist as I pulled her out of the front door and forcefully pushed her away. She stumbled slightly. Her hand was still holding her bloodied nose as she flipped me off and got into her car. I didn't bother to watch her leave. She would be a fool to walk back into this house after almost pulling Grace's hair out.

"What the fuck Ry?" I stormed back in and yelled. Ryker looked at me, he was stood in front of Grace making sure she wasn't hurt. But she just stood there smiling.

"So now you decide to make sure she is okay. Not when that psycho is attacking her?" He laughed. He actually laughed at me. I was about to lose my shit but James stepped in. He placed his hand in mine and rubbed circles on the back of my thumb.

"Grace didn't need my help. She had it under control." I mean he wasn't wrong. Grace was a lot more dangerous than she looked, but he still should've helped her. Grace stepped in front of Ryker and hugged me.

"Thanks for your help, Carson. I really appreciate it." She squeezed me slightly and stepped back towards Ryker.

"Well, we are going out. Have a good day and we will see you guys later." James said breaking the tension. We said goodbye and headed off to the movies. Time to watch another crappy rom-com. But I would watch millions of those films if it meant being with James.

The Mafia's GraceWhere stories live. Discover now