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I was about to drift off when a gunshot jolted me awake. I sat up more and listened carefully. Within seconds chaos broke out. The air around me was filled with the sounds of gunshots and screams. Hope swelled within me. Maybe Ryker has finally found me. My mind raced as the sounds of men dying slowed.

A voice echoed down the stairs. A voice a new all too well. Carson.

"RY, OVER HERE!" His voice was like music to my ears.

I listened carefully as the sounds of their footsteps grew near. Then I saw him. He looked different but the same. His hair was messy, and he had stubble now. But he still looked good.

"Grace." His voice was soft. Then Carson and James came into view. Carson looked the exact same as he smiled at me whereas, James looked very different.

"Took you long enough," I said to break the tension. A weird noise left Ryker's mouth as Carson stepped forwards. He slipped the small key into the lock and opened my door. Ryker pushed his way in and crouched down in front of me.

I looked up at him, unable to move.

"Grace I am so sorry baby." He said as he leaned in and wrapped his arms around me. I groaned in discomfort, and he pulled away. He lifted my shirt slightly to expose my bruised and bloodied torso.

"Fuck Grace I..." He trailed off as he continued to stare at my stomach. I slowly grabbed the shirt from his hands and lowered it down again.

"It's okay Ry. Nothing I can't handle. Can we get out of here please?" I asked hoping to leave this place for good.

He slowly scooped me up into his arms and stood to his feet. I hissed at the movement. I looked at James and Carson from over Ryker's shoulder.

"Thank you so much," I said as tears started to roll down James' cheeks. Carson smiled and comforted him.

Ryker steadily made his way up the stairs and out of the door. I looked around at all the of the bodies, recognising a few as people who had brought me a glass of water and others who had helped Dylan beat me.

I watched as a man approached us. I pressed further into Ryker as the large man watched me.

"All dead Boss. It's an honour to finally meet you, Grace. I'm Craig." He said as he bowed his head slightly. I gave him a small smile.

"Thank you. I owe you, Craig." Ryker said as he held me tight.

"No boss. I made my pledge to her, and I will keep it until I die." The burly man said as he guided us out of the house and into a car.

I stayed on Ryker's lap and rested my head on his chest. Carson drove the car and James sat in the front passenger seat.

"What did he mean, a pledge?" I looked up at Ryker.

"When you were taken all the gang members pledge themselves to you, and your safety. Craig pledged first and has been working to find you ever since. They respect you after you saved mine and James' life. They will die for you baby." I didn't bother replying.

My heart warmed at the thought. Men I don't know are willing to sacrifice themselves for me. I would be safe now. I knew that.

"Grace I am so sorry. I should've done more." James' voice was hoarse as he started to apologise.

"James stop. This is not your fault. It's no one's fault but mine. I hesitated." He smiled at me and turned back around.

Ryker was about to argue what I said but I shushed him.

"I don't want to talk about it," I said.

Ryker smiled down at me. I let my eyes shut, I fell asleep almost instantly. In the arms of a man, I know would keep me safe.

"I am never leaving you again, my love." Was the last thing I heard before I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

The Mafia's GraceWhere stories live. Discover now