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Everything was numb. My eyes wouldn't open. I just led on the solid floor. Listening for any indications I was being watched. Nothing. It was completely silent. I had been like this for what felt like hours. Unable to move.

I tried again. This time focusing on lifting one finger off the floor. It twitched. My finger twitched. I tried again. This time it lifted off the floor for a few seconds before it dropped down again. That was an improvement. I kept trying and on my sixth attempt, I could raise my whole hand off the floor.

Now my eyes. I forced my eyelids to open. They slammed shut immediately when a bright light hit them. I slowly peeled them open again. This time keeping them open. I blinked until I could finally see just where I was.

I was in a small cell. The walls were solid concrete but painted white. The floors were made of white tiles that reflected the beaming white light off it perfectly. This was less like a cell more like some messed up hospital room. Easy to clean up any blood.

"Enjoying your new home bitch?" I swiveled around to the bars. I didn't need to see who it was. The shrill voice told me straight away. Melanie.

"You look like shit. God knows why Ryker ever wanted you." She said while eyeing me up like her prey.

"You're working with Dylan." It was less of a question and more of a statement. She rolled her eyes.

"He gave offered me something I couldn't resist." She cackled at the thought of whatever Dylan had offered her.

"And what would that be? That you two psychos live happily ever after together?" She glared down at me.

"No. He offered to remove you from Ryker's life. Permanently. Then I would have Ryker all to myself again." This time it was my turn to laugh. This bitch was fooling herself.

"How stupid are you? Ryker doesn't want you. When he finds out you were involved, he will kill you." I sent her a weak smile.

"He would never hurt me. He loves me." She held her hand to her heart as she thought about Ryker. I felt sick.

I stood to my feet. My legs shook slightly but that wouldn't stop me. I wobbled to the bars and grasped them tight. Standing as tall as I could I glared at Melanie.

"When I get out of here, I am going to kill you. I will rip you to pieces." It was as if I was possessed by anger. Words kept flowing from my mouth.

"You dared to touch what was mine. You hit me. You will die at my hands." I spat in her face. She screamed and wiped at her cheek aggressively.

"YOU BITCH. Make it hurt." She said looking up at a small camera in the corner of my cell. I turned and smiled at the camera. They would not break me. I will not submit.

Minutes after Melanie stormed off Dylan arrived. He pulled a key off a hook on the wall opposite my cell.

"That wasn't very nice of you Gracie." He said while unlocking my door.

"Don't call me that." I hated that name, Gracie. He knows that what my dad called me.

"I think it's quite nice." He opened the door and shut it behind him. Not bothering to lock it. Big mistake.

I waited for him to move to the left slightly before running towards the door. I didn't bother to take him out. I knew I wouldn't beat him in this state. My best chances were if I ran and ran fast. My hand curled around the bars as I went to yank the door open. It wouldn't budge. I looked up to see Dylan's hand holding the door shut.

"Oh, Gracie that was a bad idea." His breath was hot on the back of my neck.

I tried to slip away but his hands wrapped around my neck. He slammed my back into one of the walls. I hissed in pain as his hand tightened on my throat. I couldn't breathe. I clawed at his arm.

"Looks like I need to teach someone a lesson." He said as he dropped me to my knees.

I wheezed as I rubbed my sore neck. I was too distracted to see his foot as it connected with my stomach. It was such a powerful kick I thought I was going to throw up. He then rolled me over onto my back and straddled me. Fear flooded my veins. He smirked and kissed me. I bucked my hips, but it didn't work. I then resorted to biting. I bit down on his tongue as it entered my mouth. The metallic taste of blood didn't make me stop.

Dylan pulled himself off me and spat a mix of blood and saliva on the floor.

"You bitch." He growled as he lifted me from the floor by my hair. I held back a scream.

He slammed his head into mine, causing the skin along the bridge of my nose to split and blood to trickle down into my mouth. Tears burned in my eyes as he punched my ribs, resulting in a sickening crack. He laughed at the noise. He then smashed my head into the wall and let my body slump to the floor. I was still conscious but barely.

"That's what you deserve. You will break for me, Gracie. I promise you that." He said as he left the cell. Making sure to lock it behind him.

My body ached as I welcomed the darkness. It would be the only peace I get here. It would be my salvation.

The Mafia's GraceWhere stories live. Discover now