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I stayed crouched on the floor. I had no idea where Carson or James were but they were definitely together. Hopefully, that meant they were both safe. 

"Well well well. What do we have here?" I looked up from the dead man. There were 4 guys surrounding me. I recognised none of them. I got to my feet, I was fucked.

"Why don't you fuckers just kill me huh?" I asked sounding as threatening as possible. They all looked at each other as if debating something.

"Oh you can't can you? You aren't allowed." I laughed.

"Dylan is going to kill you all. We are just here to take you to him." 

"And how do you plan on doing that?" They all looked at each other as if coordinating their next plan of action. It was silent for a minute before the sound of gargling filled the room. A knife was embedded in his throat as blood spurted out around it. I recognised that knife, it was from my kitchen. We all turned to the door. Another knife whistled past my face as it dug itself into another man's chest. It was Grace. She pulled out her gun and shot the man who had a knife in his chest. He fell to the floor. Dead.

I didn't hesitate to join her. I shot the other two men before they even had time to consider what was going on. I glared at Grace. What the fuck was she doing down here? Her legs were splattered with blood. She could've been killed.

"What part of 'stay' in my room did you not understand?" I was fuming. She put her life at risk to save mine. 

I watched her waiting for an answer that never came. Instead, her face paled slightly and the gun slipped from her hand. The reality of what was happening must've just kicked in because she started to tremble. I stepped over the bodies and made my way towards her. She spoke quietly.

"I think you owe me a thank you." I was about to thank her when the dining room door flew open. 

My instincts kicked in as I grabbed Grace and pulled her behind me. Shielding her with my body, the man fired his gun. He missed. I shot mine seconds later. The bullet landed right between his eyes. Bullseye.

I turned and looked down at Grace.

"Are you okay?" I gently cupped her face as she smiled up at me.

"I am absolutely fine." She had stopped shaking and looked very calm. I wiped a spot of blood off of her cheek.

"Thank you for coming to my rescue." She laughed.

"I will always rescue the big bad gangster when he needs it." She teased as I played with a strand of her hair.

"Where are James and Carson?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I have no idea, but they will be fine. They always have each other's backs." She nodded and wrapped her arms around my waist. Her head rested on my chest as my arms engulfed her.

"I am so glad you're okay, my love." I kissed the top of her head and she looked up at me.

"I can protect myself Ry." I smiled at the name 'Ry'. 

I kissed her again. This time she returned my kiss straight away. The kiss was hungry and hot. I couldn't care less that we were surrounded by the bodies of the fallen. I wanted her. I needed her. She was like a drug and I was addicted. I pulled her closer to me. Grace kissed me back with just as much hunger. She needed this too.

I pulled back and rested my forehead on hers. We were both breathing heavily. 

"Fuck Grace," I said, my voice just above a whisper.

She reached up to kiss me again when a scream stopped her. I would recognise that scream anywhere. Carson. The last time he screamed like that was the night our parents were murdered. I backed away from Grace and ran in the direction of the scream. My brother needed me.

The Mafia's GraceWhere stories live. Discover now