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 I parked on the street just across from The Rose Café. I had an uninterrupted view of her. Grace Serrell. The girl I had sworn to ruin her life. Yet last night she saved mine. She so carefully stitched the knife wound and bandaged it. I have no idea how she knew how to do that but I intend to find out.

Her long black hair was pulled into a tight ponytail and her bright blue eyes scanned the customers. She moved with such elegance. Her attention was drawn to the only customers she had, it seemed they were ordering before she disappeared behind a counter. After a few minutes, she reappears with a tray full of drinks and cakes. She places the items in front of the lady and her two sons the leaves them.

Her back is facing me as she sweeps up the floor. The muscles in her shoulders were rigid and I could make out the whiteness of her knuckles. She had the sweep in a death grip. Grace continued sweeping like that for a few minutes before the other girl working in the café approached her. The muscles in her shoulders relaxed and her grip loosened as they exchanged words.

I didn't expect to sit in my car and watch her for as long as I did but I couldn't help it. This girl who destroyed everything I owned when we were younger had me hooked. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I thought I would be angry looking at her. And last night I was, but she helped me and asked for nothing in return. I was grateful for that.

I realised just how late it was when she switched off the lights and locked the front door of the café behind her. I snuck out of my car and locked it behind me. My hand went to my hip to check the gun was still in its holster. After last night I wasn't going to go anywhere without my gun. I thought a trip to get some food would've been safe but apparently not.

I stalked behind her, careful to stay in the shadows and out of her sight. My foot tapped a glass bottle and sent a small noise echoing through the alley where we ran into each other. She heard the noise as her pace quickened and she didn't dare look back. I followed her still until she reached the bottom of the stairs to her apartment. Just as she was about to go up the stairs a man steppe in front of her. His face was lit up by a dim street light. He had a stained top on and disgustingly yellow teeth. He swayed towards her.

"Hello, there sexy. Wanna have some fun?" He was so drunk his question was nearly inaudible but I heard it loud and clear. A wave of hot anger flooded through my veins as I reached for the gun.

Before I could grab my gun, Grace's fist went flying towards the man's face. It connected with his nose with a sickening crack. Causing the bastard to stumble back and fall to the floor. He shook his head violently and went to stand up but was too slow. Her foot slammed into his chest and his body flew back into the concrete floor, hard. His head bounced off the stone as a small groan left his lips. Grace then ran up the stairs and a minute later a door slammed shut.

I prowled towards the drunk man like a predator does to its prey. My eyes never leaving his as he looked up. He swallowed slightly and tried to get back onto his feet.

"Attacking a lady isn't very nice of you." I seethed out as he clung to the wall for support. His hand cradled his bleeding nose.

"That crazy bitch attacked me!" He yelled out. I merely shook my head.

I pulled my gun out and slowly screwed on the silencer. The man's eyes filled with fear but all I could do was smirk.

"Hey, man chill out okay?" He had sobered up dramatically at the sight of my gun. I didn't bother replying.

I flicked the safety off and pointed the end of the barrel at his forehead. My finger pressed on the trigger and the man's body flew backward with the force. Blood splatter my face and shirt but I didn't care. That bastard was dead. And I couldn't be happier.

I stepped around the body and pulled out my phone, dialing my delinquent brother.

"Carson, I am sending you my location. I have a body that I need to be disposed of. Be quick." I hung up before I could hear his sarcastic reply. I snuck back into the shadows and waited for Carson to arrive.

After about 10 minutes he arrived. His long brown hair was pulled back into a bun with a few curls that had escaped grazing the nape of his neck. He looked so much like Mum whereas, I looked like dad.

"What happened here?" He asked as I stepped out of the shadows. His foot tapped the drunk man's arm and he eyed me.

"He tried to attack a girl. So I dealt with him." Carson laughed and rolled the body over.

"Ahh brother. Aren't you a knight in shining armour?" He hauled the body up over his shoulder and plodded down the alley. When we reached his truck I opened the boot and he dropped the body in.

"Dispose of him." I turned away and head back to my car. A distant 'aye aye captain' sounded in the empty night as Carson slammed his truck door and sped off. I nodded at another member of the gang as he scurried down the alley to clean up the blood. We left no evidence of that man.

The Mafia's GraceWhere stories live. Discover now