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I rushed to his side, my hands pressing into the bullet wound as he stared up at me. 

"It's okay baby. It's okay." He whispered out as he raised his bloody hand. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. 

"Ry stop everything's going to be just fine," I said as I looked up over at Carson who was crouched down on the other side of Ryker.

I turned to look at the rest of the church. Most people had run but Ryker's men stood in silence and watched. Tears streamed down my face.

"SOMEBODY HELP HIM!" I screamed at the men in front of me.

One man barged through the crowd and up the stairs. I recognised him as the doctor who had saved James. He could save Ryker. He had to. Doctor Zelic lifted my hands and unbuttoned Ryker's shirt. He started at the wound and then looked at Ryker who sent him a small nod.

"What are you doing? Help him." I growled out as the doctor squeezed Ryker's hand.

"There is nothing I can do. Hold him." He said as he rose to his feet and walked back down the stairs.

I looked up at Carson, pleading with him to do something but he just collapsed back into James' open arms.

"Grace...I love you so much, baby...I need you to stay strong for me, for them." Ryker croaked out as he nodded towards his men.

"You are my Grace. You are the mafia's Grace." He said as I held his hand.

He squeezed slightly and smiled.

"No Ry this isn't goodbye. Please. Ryker, I love you. Please don't leave me." I cried out as his smile slowly faded.

His hand went limp in mine as it slipped from my grasp, landing on the church floor. I shook his shoulders. 

"Ryker open your eyes. RYKER!" I screamed as his chest stopped moving. 

My heart shattered into a million pieces. Ryker lay there, his heart no longer connected with mine. 

I slammed my hands into his chest. All he had to do was wake up. He need to. I can't live without him. 


No movement, nothing. 

"You promised Ryker, you promised you'd never leave me. Please don't break that promise. Please don't leave me. I need you." I said, my voice gradually getting weaker. 

I looked over at all of his men who had tears in their eyes. They all stood with their hand over their heart. I promise to their fallen leader. A promise to me. 

I then looked to Carson who just sat there. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he stared at his brother's body. He slowly reached forward and planted a kiss on Ryker's forehead.

"I love you, Brother. Forever." He cried as he pulled away and turned into James who just held him. 

James watched Ryker. He had tears staining his face but he didn't move. He didn't even blink. 

I leaned over and softly kissed Ryker's lips. My tears dripped onto his face as I pulled away. I rested my head on his chest.

His blood covered me. My white dress was now stained with my husband's blood, tainted. I cried into his chest. My body shook with sobs. 

"I love you so much, Ryker. I am so sorry. Please just wake up. You promised me. Please you can't leave me. I can't live without you. Please baby...please." I whispered as more tears fell from my eyes.

He didn't wake up. He broke his promise. He left me.

He left me alone in the cruel world. He left me without the one thing that makes me happiest. He left without me. 

I let blackness consume me as I lay on his chest. I just hoped I never woke up. I prayed that I joined Ryker, but that wasn't possible. He was gone. Ryker Marzolla was dead. Ryker Marzolla had left me. 

Till death do us part.

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