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I woke up with Ryker's arm wrapped around my waist. Our naked bodies were tangled together. His chest rose and fell steadily. I ran my finger along his sharp jawline, down his nose, and then across his soft lips. His eyebrows scrunched slightly at my movements and I rubbed the bunched skin smooth.

"Well good morning to you too darling." He husked out as his dark eyes opened. I smiled up at him and continued to run my finger across his features.

He wrapped his fingers around my wrist and pulled my hand towards his mouth, placing a soft kiss along my knuckles.

"Get ready, I have something planned, and dress in something nice." He said as he pressed another kiss to my forehead and left the bed.

I got the perfect view of his naked arse. I wolf-whistled and he turned around to wink at me. I giggled and wrapped the duvet around myself, heading to the bathroom to shower and freshen up.

When I left the bathroom Ryker was gone, so I went and got changed. I chose a simple white dress with an open bag. I paired it with some simple sandals. I just brushed my hair and decided to go for no makeup. When I checked the time it was almost 10 and I knew Ryker would be waiting for me.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs Ryker was stood there waiting for me. He has dressed in fitted black trousers and a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up and his top buttons undo.

"You look beautiful, my love." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist, planting a kiss on my lips.

"And you look very handsome Ry." He chuckled and guided me towards a slick black sports car.

He opened the door for me. When I had sat down and buckled myself in he pulled out a black scarf.

"What's that for?" He placed it over my eyes and tied it carefully behind my head.

"It's so as you can't see where we are going. Don't want to ruin the surprise do we?" He said as my door slammed shut.

I couldn't see anything through the blindfold but I could hear the car engine purring beneath me as we pulled away. Ryker's hand grasped my bare thigh making me squeak in surprise. He chuckled and squeezed my thigh slightly.

"Sorry baby." He said before we lapsed into a comfortable silence.

I had no idea how long we had been driving for but the car slowed to a stop and Ryker got out. I waited patiently for him to come and open my door and help me out. The smell of salty water hit me, we were at the beach.

"Can I take this off now?" I asked tugging at the blindfold. His hands clasped around mine.

"Not yet." He rested his hand on the small of my back and guided me somewhere.

Ryker removed his hands and left me stood there. It was silent except for the gentle crashing of waves.

"Okay baby, take it off." I removed my blindfold and squinted as the light-flooded my eyes.

Ryker knelt on one knee in front of me. My heart skipped a beat as my hands flew to cover my mouth. He smiled up at me.

"I know it's been weird recently but I have fallen deeply in love with you. The way you laugh at the little things. The way you care for everyone around you. The way you don't let anything hold you back. You are so beautiful and perfect. I love you more than life itself. So, Grace Serrell, will you marry me?" He said as a stray tear rolled down his cheek.

I stood the, crying like a fool as he watched me. My heart raced in my chest as I smiled like a crazy person. I couldn't be more thankful that I decided not to wear makeup today, I would've looked a mess.

"Yes you idiot, yes." I laughed and cried as he rose to his feet.

He lifted me off the ground and spun me around, kissing me with so much love. He placed me back on the floor and deepened the kiss. I smiled against his lips.

"I love you so much, Grace. I will always love you, and I will never leave your side. I promise" He said as he stared into my eyes. His hand stroked down my face and smiled at me.

"I love you Ryker, I will always be with you. Forever."

The Mafia's GraceWhere stories live. Discover now