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Title: "The One With Naked Harry On The Run."

Scene 37: Exterior / Liam Building's Entrance / Day

Louis is waiting for Liam to pick up the intercom when a lady, the one who opened the door for him the day before, exits the building.

LADY: (smiling to Louis) "Oh, it's you again."

LOUIS: "Good morning, ma'am."

LADY: "Good morning, sunshine. Are you moving into the building? I'd love to have such a polite neighbor around."

LOUIS: "Nah, I'm just here visiting a friend."

LADY: "Hope this friend of yours doesn't move out too soon, I can get used to see you around more often."

LOUIS: (smiling) "Thanks. No grocery bags to help you out with today?"

LADY: "Not yet at least but maybe you'll still be here when I get back from the market."

LOUIS: "I sure hope so."

LADY: "Now get in, I have to leave already."

LOUIS: "But my friend didn't even pick up yet. I'll just wait here. Thank you anyways."

LADY: "Then you can go and knock on his door. Come on, get in."

LOUIS: "You think? But we haven't talked yet and-"

LIAM: (his voice from the intercom interrupts Louis) "Hello?"

LADY: "There he is!"

LOUIS: (nervous) "Hey Liam! It's Louis!"

LIAM: (yelling) "Louis?!"

LOUIS: "Yeah." (looks at how focused the lady is in their conversation, feels uncomfortable, tries to lower his voice) "I left you a message earlier. I came by to drop your stuff."

LIAM: "Oh."

LOUIS: "Am I bothering you? I'll just come back later if I am."

LADY: "You are so sweet, honey. Your mother did a great job with you."

LOUIS: "Thanks."

LADY: (to the intercom) "I'm holding the door for your friend. He'll be up there in a second!"

LOUIS: "I'll just come back later, don't worry."

LIAM: (stuttering) "No, Louis, it's okay. Get in!"

LOUIS: "Good." (to the lady) "Thank you so much, again."

LADY: "You are welcome, honey. Have a lovely day."

"One Way or Another" by One Direction starts to play. Louis enters the building, looking surprisingly happy. He waits for the elevator to come but, since it seems to be stuck in one floor, he decides to take the stairs instead. We see these actions from Louis in between the lines from next scene.

Scene 38: Interior / Liam's Living Room / Day

Liam walks in circles, he is freaking out when Harry comes from the bedroom.

LIAM: "Shit, shit, shit, shit. Crap, crap, crap. This is fucked up."

HARRY: (confused) "Who the hell is Louis?"

LIAM: "Harry." (walks to him and grabs him by the arm) "You need to leave right now."

HARRY: "What?" (frees himself from Liam's grip) "No way!"

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