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Title: “The One With The Evil Plan”

Scene 14: Interior / The Tomlinson’s Living Room - Yale Dorms / Day

Louis and Niall are having a conversation on the phone.

LOUIS: (annoyed) “Finally! Why haven’t you answered any of my calls? I’ve been calling you non stop for the past two hours.”

NIALL: “Some of us are worried about our future so we study.”

LOUIS: “Whatever. How are you?”

NIALL: “Studying.”

LOUIS: “There’s more in life than just studying, Niall.”

NIALL: “Not during final exams.”

LOUIS: “Have you gotten the letter yet?”

NIALL: “No! Why did you have to say it? I’ve been trying not to think about it and now you’ve done it. I’m thinking about it! I hate you!”

LOUIS: “Relax! Remember last year? I got my letter from Princeton the day before I had to leave. It’s normal.”

NIALL: “No, it isn’t. It might be normal for Americans but not for Europeans. We are different. Zayn got his acceptance letter a week ago and I got nothing. You think I should call them?”

LOUIS: “Nah, don’t do that. It’s kind of desperate.”

NIALL: “But I am desperate! I’ll call them.”

LOUIS: “Wait until tomorrow and then you call them.”

NIALL: “Okay. Why are you calling me? My grades are dropping just by talking to you.”

LOUIS: “I needed to tell you something…” (hesitant) “I think.”

NIALL: “What is it?”

LOUIS: “So… I was at the beach earlier today.”

NIALL: “Oh, God… You sound like one of these girls. I can’t remember their name. That stupid show your sister made me watch once? What was it?”

LOUIS: “Um… The one with the sisters?”

NIALL: “Yeah.”

LOUIS: (to his sister, LOTTIE (15) who’s doing her homework a few steps away from Louis) “Lottie!”

LOTTIE: “What do you need?”

LOUIS: “What’s the name of the show you always watch? The one with the sisters.”

LOTTIE: “Oh my God, you are such a loser. Keeping Up with The Kardashians, duh.”

NIALL: “Exactly! That one! You sound like a Kardashian, mate.”

LOUIS: (laughing) “Okay, I do. So I was at the beach and you won’t believe who I talked to there.”

NIALL: “You were at the beach? What were you doing at the beach?”

LOUIS: “I was shopping, Niall. What do you at the beach?”

NIALL: “I don’t know. You study?”

It Started with a Selfie [larry stylinson a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now