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Title: "The One Where The Prince Gets Unmasked"

Scene 85 (continues): Interior / Harry's Bedroom / Night

HARRY: (frowning, confused) "Excuse me, what?"

LOUIS: (worried, ashamed, staring at Harry's reaction) "What you just heard."

HARRY: "Your name's not Kevin?"

LOUIS: "Not exactly."

HARRY: (serious, looks disappointed) "What?"

LOUIS: (stands up, nervous, walks around the room) "It's... kind of a long story."

HARRY: "I have time."

LOUIS: "Um." (standing in front of Harry, fidgeting with his hands, nervous) "It's like... like the Elijah thing you told me."

HARRY: "Nobody ever even heard of Elijah... until now. You are the first one I tell. Your case kind of looks different."

LOUIS: "It's... Harry, um, I don't even know where to start."

HARRY: "First of all, calm down... and sit here."

LOUIS: "I feel better standing up."

HARRY: "Whatever you want but, please, explain."

LOUIS: "Okay... Kevin is not actually..." (sits next to Harry) "My name, name."

HARRY: "Your name, name?"

LOUIS: "Yeah, that."

HARRY: "Kevin, I'm freaking out."

LOUIS: "Don't freak out, it's just a name."

HARRY: "What else did you lie about?"

LOUIS: "No, I didn't lie." (sighs) "I promise."

HARRY: "I... I don't even know what to say."

LOUIS: "Are you mad?"

HARRY: "I'm not mad, I'm lost." (scratching his head, frustrated) "I don't understand this quite well and you are not explaining anything."

LOUIS: "Kevin's everything I'm not."

HARRY: "Then you did lie."

LOUIS: "No, I didn't. Just about the name. The rest is true."

HARRY: "But Kevin is the one I'm starting to get to know now." (stands up, looks mad) "But now you say he's everything you are not. Then who are you?"

LOUIS: "It's me, it's still me. I wasn't lying about who I am. This is who I am."

HARRY: "Elijah was everything I wasn't, literally everything. He was straight, Kevin." (sighs, disappointed) "God! I don't even know if I should still call you Kevin. How do I call you now?"

LOUIS: (regretful, eyes getting watery) "You can still call me Kevin."

HARRY: "But that's not who you are."

LOUIS: "That's who I want to be."

HARRY: "You've been pretending to be someone else all this time then?"

LOUIS: "That was the idea." (sighs) "But then..."

HARRY: "But then what?"

LOUIS: "You showed up and... I started to know a bit of you and I couldn't pretend anymore."

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