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Title: "The One With The Superhero And His Sidekick."

FLASHBACK 6 – U: Interior / The Styles' Living Room / Night

Harry is trying to find his mom while Emma is still dancing and singing for everyone. Cara spots Harry and walks to him.

CARA: "Are you still not talking to me?"

HARRY: "When was I not talking to you?"

CARA: "Before."

HARRY: "Well... Um, maybe I just didn't have anything to say."

CARA: (frowning) "Are you sure? You always have stuff to say. You are hiding something, aren't you?" (insisting) "Why aren't you talking to me?"

HARRY: "I'm talking to you now."

CARA: "Are you mad or something?"

HARRY: "I am not." (suspicious) "Why? Did you try to do anything mean to me?"

CARA: "No? You are being weird. I don't want you to see what my gift is if you are going to be weird about it. I put too much effort in it so you better see it later when your mood changes."

HARRY: "I'm in the perfect mood actually."

CARA: "You are definitely hiding something."

HARRY: "I'll tell you in a bit, okay? I need to find my mom now. Have you seen her?"

CARA: "She is in the kitchen probably."

HARRY: "She is not there."

The bell rings.

CARA: "More people? This party is a hit."

HARRY: "I know, right? I'm sorry if someone tried to sabotage it. Guess their evil plan didn't work."

Harry gives Cara an intense glare, expecting her to apologize for what he thinks she did. Cara just frowns.

CARA: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Harry squints his eyes, still waiting for an apology.

CARA: "You are scaring me."

The bell rings again.

HARRY: (frustrated) "Whatever, I'll go get the door."

Niall is standing outside next to his mother, waiting for someone to open the door. He doesn't look happy to be there.

NIALL: "Oh, mother. This is such an unexpected turn of events. Nobody seems to be here." (faking disappointment) "I was so excited about attending this party. Hopefully the next time someone invites me, I'll make it." (turns around to walk back to the car)

MAURA: (stops him by grabbing Niall's backpack) "Niall James, you stay right here."

NIALL: "But the party is over!"

MAURA: "Don't you hear the music?"

NIALL: "I hear noise."

MAURA: "It's music."

NIALL: "Calling that noise music is an offense to music history."

MAURA: "You are going to have a great time, honey. Parties are a lot of fun. You'll see."

NIALL: "Ugh, humans!"

MAURA: "You are going to love making new friends, dancing around, it's going to be fun."

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