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Title: "The One Where The Bitch Comes Up With A Plan."

Scene 85 (continues): Interior / Harry's Bedroom / Night

HARRY: "You know how some people say that friends are the family you choose?" (Louis nods) "Well, I never actually chose Taylor."

LOUIS: (laughs) "I probably wouldn't have either. I don't blame you."

HARRY: (pouts) "Don't be mean to her. What I'm trying to say here is that we were born friends, like literally. I'm not joking or exaggerating or anything, I swear. There's this picture of us when we were less than a year old, our pushchairs where next to each other and we were laughing. I bet we didn't even know what a laugh was yet but still, we were together already."

LOUIS: "I'd kill to see that picture."

HARRY: "I'll show it to you one day." (sighs) "And it's always been like that. We got sent to preschool together, primary school, summer camps, high school, everything. There's never been Harry without Taylor or Taylor without Harry. Cara moved to our school when we were around 7 or something. She joined us a bit later."

LOUIS: (nods) "I see."

HARRY: "But she wasn't always like this. Taylor I mean."

LOUIS: (frowning) "Wasn't she?" (incredulous) "That's not what I remem... that's not what I've heard."

HARRY: "She used to be so funny, so generous. I remember how she would invite us all over to her house and she would let us play with whatever we wanted to." (sighs, gets reflective) "I know I probably shouldn't tell you this, since it's not so healthy, especially when you are boy who's supposed to be manly and all, but she is always been like a role model to me."

LOUIS: (laughs) "Now I understand a few things better."

HARRY: (bumps Louis' arm) "Ass."

LOUIS: "Just kidding." (gets serious) "What happened that made her change so much?"

HARRY: "She is still the same person, I promise. She's just been having a few rough months recently. I tried to talk to her several times but it's hard for her to open up."

LOUIS: "I'm not trying to make you unfriend her or anything but... Having a couple of rough months doesn't give her the right to hurt other people's feelings, you know?"

HARRY: "I know that. Believe me."

LOUIS: "Then why do you let her?"

HARRY: "I do not let her. What happened today was weird, it doesn't happen all the time. It's not like she is always trying to hurt me, if that's what you are thinking."

Scene 86: Interior / Taylor's Bedroom / Night

Taylor lies on her bed while her friend; JENNA (22) is sitting next to her, doing her nails. Taylor is trying to call someone but they don't pick up.

TAYLOR: (raged, freaking out, yelling) "I'm going to destroy him. I swear!"

JENNA: (focusing on her fingers) "Just take it easy."

TAYLOR: "Take it easy? Are you kidding me?"

JENNA: (turns to Taylor) "Just relax, would you?"

TAYLOR: "I'm relaxed. Oh, I'm so relaxed." (loses it again) "While that freaking homosexual steals what belongs to me! Once again!"

JENNA: "Did you just call Harry that?"

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